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Juntou-se a 19 de julho de 2015


Been using UESP since Oblivion came out (been a huge fan of TES since long before this - have all the games, all the way back to Arena -- though my favorites are Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim and ESO, in no particular order). I prefer playing on the Xbox (One and 360, depending on which game I'm playing on), though I have copies of Oblivion and Skyrim on all three systems (Xbox, PS and PC) and have Morrowind and ESO on both Xbox (ESO on Xbox One, Morrowind on 360) and PC.

I do cosplaying for the Elder Scrolls series (Morokei being one of the characters I cosplay as). I also write a lot of fanfiction for this series (and a few other game series) and love to create replicas of in-game items.

I figured after years of using UESP, I would finally go ahead and create an account on here - I know the ESO section is missing loads of content, so perhaps I might try my hand at helping to expand the content in there and try to give back to the site that has given me SO damn much over the years. Cheers to you all and thanks for everything!~

If any of you guys play on Xbox One and would like to add me as a friend on there/do some dungeons with me/etc., my gamertag is Ghostface7718 - would be glad to hear from you.~

Random Info About My ESO Main Character

For anyone who might be interested in interacting with me on ESO or for any members of UESP's Xbox NA guild, I figured I'd leave some random information about my main character on ESO.

I am Ghostface7718 on Xbox. My username on ESO is Morokei777 and I play on the Xbox NA server.
My main character is a high end Veteran Sorcerer (healer) in the Daggerfall Covenant. (I level up quite fast, so it would be pointless to list my level here, because by the next day I might be up to another level.) I am a Master Provisioner, Alchemist, Blacksmith, Clothier, Woodworker and Enchanter and am glad to create potions/food/drinks/glyphs/weapons/armor/etc. for free, so long as you're willing to donate any of the components needed to create the items you want me to make for you (unless I happen to have a surplus of the needed components lying around).

If you want a healer to join your group for doing Dungeons or Pledges, feel free to hit me up - I'd be happy to join you.

If you are a lower level/not vet player who needs some help, feel free to contact me, I'm happy to help people out if I can (whether this comes in the form of helping you defeat a tough boss that's giving you trouble, helping you grind in a tough area, making you stuff like potions/glyphs/food/drinks/weapons/armor/etc. or anything else).


  Este usuário é homem.
45x45px This user writes fanfiction.
45x45px This user is a member of the Dunmer race.
  This user is knowledgeable about The Infernal City.
  This user is knowledgeable about Lord of Souls.
  Este usuário tem conhecimento sobre Oblivion.
  Este usuário tem conhecimento sobre Skyrim.
  This user is knowledgeable about Elder Scrolls Online.
  ESO username (NA): @Morokei777