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Kirkbride Q&A

  • Nir = "first possipoint"
  • "Ushnad_gro-UdnarMythic Dawn Cultist 6 points 4 hours ago

Damn late to the party!

Well MK thanks for doing this. I want to ask you a bit of a more mundane question. What does the politcal structure of the An-Xileel look like? It seems strange that the Hist would even need a political party to exercise control since they have control over Argonian minds.

Also in keeping with the recent Auribs as a musical stuff. What would the function of the moons be? Are they like the percussion section? Seems to be the best answer when you remember the idea of Lorkhan being the rhythm due to the Doom Drum and what not.

[–]MKirkbride[S] 13 points 4 hours ago

Whatever the An-Xileel wants you to believe it is, don't. These are LIZARDS."

  • Suggests there have been multiple "Underkings".
  • "The Arcturian Heresy was the worst thing I've ever written. It needs a revisit."
  • Vivec and his androgyny inspired by Ardhanarishvara, the androgynous aspect of Shiva.
  • "The Thalmor is easily the most dangerous organization in the Aurbis. Moreso than Talos.

They cannot be understood. They are the Other and they hate everything that even smells like mortality.

And they're going to win in the end."

  • "HollymarkieDwemer Scholar 10 points 4 hours ago

Another question:

What caused the Wanderers and Old Ehlnofey to split? What was the cause of their war?


[–]MKirkbride[S] 18 points 4 hours ago

That was the Dawn. Wars then were ideologies given skin."

  • Best piece of lore: "The Dragon Break Re-Examined, because Kurt's the best writer in the series and that piece is so subversive."
  • Trinimac best understood by studying Mithras
  • "That said, is Pelinal actually a robot/cyborg?

Why are so many robots traveling back in time (Pelinal, KINMUNE)?

Was KINMUNE the "Eye of Magnus" as represented in Skyrim?

Where was Yagrum during the events of Red Mountain? Where/what are the Outer Realms?"


   Pelinal: yes, he is. Love that guy.
   They come back to 'fix' the future. The Jills have to work overtime.
   Eye of Magnus: I'll just say I'm a fan of that idea.
   Yagrum: In a pocket real called Plot Device."
  • "When and where was Aka-tusk worshipped? I would guess Skyrim and or Atmora, but I can't place a date in that case.

Did Aka-Tusk have dragon symbology?

This leads to the real question: was Alduin always an aspect of Aka, or did he become one after Akatosh was created?


All of the akaspirits, like all of the etada, are quantum figures that shed their skin as each aspect of them becomes more and more self-aware.

The Aka-Tusk is a particularly old and needed version of the Time Dragon from the days of the Ehlnofey."

  • "Who the Dark Brotherhood's Night Mother truly is?

[–]MKirkbride[S] 31 points 5 hours ago

I'm not really a fan of the Dark Brotherhood as it was depicted in Oblivion or Skyrim. That's a boring kind of evil, which is a shame, because a lot of their quests are masterfully done.

I understand its fan base, though, by which I mean I just smh.

Sermon 22 speaks to the nature of the Night Mother."

  • "Lyg: it's one of the Adjacent Places. It's still there. I wouldn't call it a different kalpa so much as a parallel version of Tamriel."

Other comments:

  • "There will be no Dragon Break resulting from the events of Skyrim. You're reaching." (bs)

Tharn Dump

Frea Dialogue

"It is an ancient stone of power, a connection to the All-Maker. It represents one of the aspects of nature, a part of the All-Maker's creation."

"We try to serve the All-Maker, to live in balance with nature, instead of exploiting it as others would."

"His story is as old as Solstheim itself. He served the dragons before their fall from power, as most did. A priest in their order. But unlike most, he turned against them. He made his own path, and his actions cost him dearly. The stories say he sought to claim Solstheim for himself, and the dragons destroyed him for it."

"I had heard Miraak had turned against the Dragon Cult, but to display their remains in such a manner as this ... It's no wonder the dragons razed his Temple to the ground. Seeing the remains hung up like trophies must have enraged them to no end."

"It was Skaf the Giant, our former chieftain, who taught me the ways of battle. He was a great bear of a man, and a fearsome warrior. I used to be terrified of him when I was a little girl. I was an angry and restless child, and Skaf taught me swordplay so that I could, as he used to say, 'put that fire to good use.' He was a great man and a good leader. I miss him dearly."

Mother: "She died when I was very young. She was caught in a terrible snowstorm while returning home from gathering firewood."

"... for the Skaal, life is a constant hardship. We take nothing is taken for granted. We cannot afford to."


"The legends speak of that place. Terrible battles fought at the temple. The dragons burning it to the ground in rage. They speak also of something worse than dragons buried within. Difficult to imagine, but if true ... It means what I feared has come to pass. Miraak was never truly gone, and now has returned."

"The All-Maker is the maker of all things, and it is from the All-Maker that life flows like a great river. As all rivers must return to the sea, so all life returns in time to the All-Maker."

"As shaman of Skaal Village, I serve as both a guide and a healer, as well as a keeper of traditions. I also remind the Skaal to live as one with nature and to honor the will of the All-Maker, so that we'll be worthy to join him in death."


"I came here to study the history of Solstheim, but it's the Skaal who fascinate me the most."

Studied Skaal for over a year.

Wulf Wild-Blood

First Hunter of the Skaal. Hunts deer, bear and horker. Fights off wolves. Leads hunters when stalking large prey. Used to share the hunt with brother Torkild.


"Nchardak. The 'City of a Hundred Towers'. In its day, it was the largest of the great Dwemer Archives, and perhaps the most advanced. In the old stories, when the Nords came to conquer it, it's said the Dwemer submerged the entire city beneath the sea until the invaders gave up."

"Great Workshops of Nchardak." "In the city's days of glory, it was reputed to be able to assemble a complete automaton in a single day. Much of the Dwemer army at the Battle of Red Mountain must have come from here."


Could've slain Alduin way back in the day, but chose a different path

Hermaeous Mora

"Well done, my champion. Your journey towards enlightenment has finally led you here, to my realm, as I knew it would."

"You have entered my realm. You have sought out the forbidden knowledge that only one other has obtained. You are Dragonborn, like Miraak before you. A seeker of knowledge and power."

"All that he knows he learned from me. I know what you want: to use your power as Dragonborn to bend the world to your will. Here then is the knowledge you need, although you did not know you needed it. The second Word of Power. Use it to bend the wills of mortals to your purpose. But this is not enough. Miraak knows the final Word of Power. Without that, you cannot hope to surpass him. Miraak served me well, and he was rewarded. I can grant you the same power as he wields, but all knowledge has its price."

"He has served me long and well. But he grows restless under my guidance. His desire to return to your world will spread my influence widely. But it will also set him free from my direct control. It may be time to replace him with a more loyal servant. One who still appreciates the gifts that I have to offer."

"Even draqons submit to Miraak's Voice. Without that power, you cannot face him. So say I, Hermaeus Mora, master of the tides of Fate."

"Knowledge for knowledge. The Skaal have withheld their secrets from me for many long years. The time has come for this knowledge to be added to my library."

March of the Dead FF interior

Maximian Attius downstairs to the right, with letters. Inkwell quill in bag with three. Guarded by at least five. Master lock on storeroom, web barrier, unpickable door, and tunnel.

In storeroom: barrel, 8 moon sugar, Broom, On shelf: 8 Elder Cheese Wheel 6 Nord Mead, 4 Cyrodilic Brandy, 7 Ale, 5 Alto Wine, 2 Spiced Wine, 6 tankards, 2 Baskets, 2 Wooden Bowls, 2 Mead Barrels (1 Nord Mead each). Unlocked chest with assorted loot.

Past web barrier: 5 spiders. Jumping Flame Spider? 2 Albino Spiders, rest unknown. 2 Heart Stone Deposit, 3 Ruby Geode (1 Ruby each), 7 Albino Spider Eggs

Tunnel: nothing of interest along the way, one more Immolator. Even with perks, most gotten is 2-4 gold and a ring. Chest in morgue(?) with decent loot, next to Daedric Sword of Petrifying and a Potion of Ultimate Magicka. Ildari's Journal on coffin stack in center of room, w/ Apothecary's Satchel. Knapsack: Arg. Act. 3, Fort Frosthmoth Key, etc. Back to Wooden Door

4 figures, three spawn and Falx. FF Key, Champion's Cudgel Return Song 2, NARM, G8 H., Frontier, C., Lust Maid 2, BS Talos, Brief 3 on cupboard to left. Potion Plentiful Heal on table under tray. Door to Solstheim on right. Behind Falx, loot chest and Cupboard w DI 3, Boethia's Proving, Pelinal 1, Deathbrand, VOF, NARM, Chance's Folly, 2 Vigorous Healing.