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Utilizador:Game Lord/Age

< Utilizador:Game Lord

This displays a user's age on his/her page.

If someone wishes to have a similar funtion for their page, here is a quick "how-to" guide.

{{#ifexpr:{{CURRENTMONTH}} >= ¹ | {{#ifexpr:{{CURRENTDAY}} >= ² | {{#expr:{{CURRENTYEAR}} - ³}} }} }}{{#ifexpr:{{CURRENTMONTH}} >= ¹ | {{#ifexpr:{{CURRENTDAY}} <  ² | {{#expr:{{#expr:{{CURRENTYEAR}} - ³}} - 1}} }} }}{{#ifexpr:{{CURRENTMONTH}} < ¹  | {{#expr:{{#expr:{{CURRENTYEAR}} - ³}} - 1}} }}

¹ - Month of Birth (As a number)
² - Day of Birth (As a number)
³ - Year of Birth