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Utilizador:DeadlyPerfume/Roleplaying Ideas

(Wilderness Dweller-type Roleplaying)


A witch is a female magic practitioner living in the wilds, away from the scrutiny of the church or mages guild.

Bretons make the best witches. When you create your character, put some thought into what type of witch you'd like her to be. Is she an ancient hag, or a beautiful enchantress? Maybe she's an ice witch who's skin is pale as snow, with eyes like winter-fire. It's your game, so get creative. Create a custom Witch class with six of the seven magic skills and either blade, blunt, or marksman. If you want to play more of a Witch-Assassin replace one of your six magic skills with Sneak. Good birthsigns for a witch are The Mage, The Lady, The Lover, or the Shadow.

Decide what sort of wilderness you'd like to dwell in and make a home for yourself there. You could choose to dwell deep in the southern swamps, on the frosty peaks of the Jerall Mountains, or in the dark forest. Once you've selected your favorite region, find a home for your witch, such as an isolated house, camp, or cave. It should be far enough away from towns that you can practice your spellcraft in peace. Decorate it with items like bones, staffs, scrolls, and ingredients. Personalize it with your own touches; an ice witch may want to scatter blue saphires among the bones and a witch that dabbles in poison could leave her latest deadly doses on display. Find and collect books on the Dark Arts such as The Book of Daedra and The Manual of Spellcraft.

Explore the wilderness around your home and discover secret paths and forgotten ruins. Learn to navigate by the landmarks, and make a note of places where useful ingredients grow. Hide from and watch any intruders or Imperial Legion soldiers that come into your domain; Perhaps they're here to hunt you down. If you're an evil witch, unleash your magic on them. When you're out exploring, make trips to 'shrines' where spirits dwell, such as waterfalls or other special places, and leave offerings of pearls or nightshade. If you run into wolves or bears, take their hides back to your home for warmth. Visit forts and caves where the undead dwell to collect mort flesh, bonemeal, and ectoplasm.

Remember that common-folk fear and loathe you. Avoid going to town and stay off the roads. If you must go to a city (perhaps to sell your potions or buy soul gems), wear a disguise such as a robe and hood, and get your business down quickly without stopping to chat. If you're an evil witch, use your magic to terrorize the villagers at night by summoning ghosts or zombies and afflicting innocents with a killing frenzy. Perhaps you have a grudge against the church or the mages guild, and target them specifically. If they catch you, flee the village and use your magic to vanish into the moonlight with an invisiblity spell.

If you have been cured of Vampirism then the resident of Drakelowe will not be essential. Kill her so you have Drakelowe to yourself. This is a good Witch/Necromancer hideout because below the fireplace is a secret basement with bones, corpses, soul gems and other sinister items.

When you're in your home, spend time practicing alchemy and reading. Hold special ceremonies by laying out ingredients or human remains and summoning demons or ghosts to converse with. You may want to create a permanent command animal spell and use it on a wolf or other creature to make them your familiar. Seek out dangerous mystic artifacts like the Umbra sword, and keep them deep in the wilds away from mankind. Consider your character's backstory: Were they born in the wilderness or forced to flee there from superstitious locals? Perhaps they were expelled from the Mages Guild for Necromancy or other Dark Arts. Also consider your character's goals: Are they content to remain in the wilds forever, or do they long to experience city life? Maybe your witch will become a witch-thief or witch-assassin and use her skills in the Theives Guild or Dark Brotherhood. A good witch could eventually rise up to become Arch Mage. There are many directions to take a witch character.