The opinions on the page are subject to random, unpredictable changes. Also, this user is not responsible for problems including, but not limited to: game crashing, breaking of quests, and loss of life due to computer addiction. It's your own fault, get over it. -- DKong27 |
Here are some mods that I recommend for Oblivion on PC. Note that they are in no particular order.
Mods by Me
These mods, created by yours truly, are insanely epic. I am not responsible for any brain explosions from overdose of epic. If you find any problems, feel free to contact me here or at TESNexus. -- DKong27 |
Name and Link | Description | Notes |
Imperial City House Training Room Mod | Mod refurbished by yours truly. Nice house with a training room with real and target creatures. | Interesting and great modding :þ. I don't use it, but it is pretty nice. |
Simple House Mod | Adds an easy little house in a pocket dimension. | House is available through teleportation, and has no troubles....that I know of. Altars, storage, and little backstory. |
Ring of Cheating | Adds a Ring that I find useful in testing. | The Ring makes the player nearly invulnerable and adds scripted spells. |
Unfinished and Unreleased
Name and Link | Description | Notes |
Dremora Traitors | A combination Race and quest mod. | Adds a new playable race, the Dremora Traitors. I can't seem to work on this for more than a couple days at a time... :S I also have hit a bit of a road block with World Space editing. |
Choosy Arena | An Arena for the player to watch interesting fights. | At this point I only have a couple, and my scripts were acting funny...Kind of got put off by stressing failures, but I do plan on returning to it eventually. |
Always On
Name and Link | Description | Notes |
Alluring Potion Bottles | Replaces the boring potion and poison bottles with much more interesting and magicky ones. | Makes potion bottles look much nicer. No real downside to this one. |
Alternative Start by Ship | Replaces the tutorial and start with more complex starting options | This one is a great way to skip the boring tutorial every time you start a new character. It also allows for more a more customizable start. |
Book Jackets | Replaces old boring book covers with a bit more attractive ones. | Not really much, but it looks nicer. |
Capes and Cloaks | Adds capes and cloaks that can be worn by the player. | This mod is epic. The capes look great, and come in various sizes and colors. But remember, that they use the tail slot, so it may look weird on an Argonian or Khajiit, and other mods may use the tail slot. |
Playable Dremora | Adds a playable Dremora Race for character creation. No custom Race mod required. | I have found no problems with this mod. It gives two useful Greater Powers, and is pretty good. |
Leviathan Soulgems | Replaces the appearance of soul gems with similar to that of Morrowind. | Makes soul gems look much nicer. Easier to tell the size by appearance as well. |
No More Annoying Messages | Removes some of the annoying messages, such as Loading Area...and Your Horse is blah blah blah. | I've never noticed this mod...see what I did there? :þ But anyway, it's nice. |
Oblivion Achievements CORE | Adds achievements to the game, and rewards for them. | For those who wish Oblivion for PC had achievements too, here you go. It adds interesting items to the game as well, for your rewards. Interferes a bit with mod testing, as the notifications are there sometimes. Might turn off eventually... |
Kvatch Rebuilt | Rebuilds the city of Kvatch with a quest chain. | Interesting mod, but there seems to be a kink here and there, and for a bigger mod it doesn't have voicing. Decent. |
Coloured Enemy Health | Recolors the health bars of enemies. | Nice little feature. |
Detect Life X-Ray Vision | Changes the Detect Life shader to X-Ray vision. | Looks a lot better than the pink fog. Certain shaders so override it though, so Invisible enemies are invisible to Detect Life. |
Hammerfist Shiny Gold | Changes the Gold mesh to something more noticeable. | Nice little mesh change. |
Major Jim's UI | Alters the User Interface in various ways. | Makes the best out of screen space and makes it easier to navigate the menu. |
Quest Award Leveller | Allows quest rewards and other leveled objects to level with you. | Removes the need to do quests in a certain order or by level. |
Reznod Mannequins | Adds mannequins that serve as show for your armor and weapons. | Nice for showing off you past armor or quest rewards. |
Fun for Messing Around
Name and Link | Description | Notes |
Warp Reality Spell | Adds a spell, Warp Reality, that switched the position on the caster and target. | Kind of interesting to use. Good for messing things up. Have fun. |
Midas Magic Spells of Aurum | Adds many new and interesting spells to the game. | An important note is that it is difficult to acquire the spells normally. I have not had the time yet to do this myself. I would definitely recommend, but remember psb . |
Playable Sheogorath Mod | Allows playing as Sheogorath, including several unique and interesting spells. | Can be fun to play around with spell, but seems to have some bugs. If left on, customizing hair and eye color seems not to work. |
Alternative Start - Zombie Mayhem | An alternate start where zombies invade the Prison. | Fun a time or two. Pretty nice script work. |
Hilarity | Adds some fun and interesting spells for messing around | Good for rampaging through a city. Fun to watch spells. |
Tried, but Didn't Keep
Name and Link | Description | Notes |
Harvest Containers | Shows which containers have been opened by changing their appearance. | Nice idea, but the animation delay gets annoying. |
All in One Basement | Adds a connected basement to all buyable houses in Cyrodiil. | Interesting idea, and it has a lot of interesting features, but I personally never used it so I disabled. |