Hey guys my name is kris, born in England but currently living in Australia and I love to play video games. I play on my xbox and pc all the time, my gamertag is yourownbalz on Xbox (which may sound like a weird name but I picked it because in cod4 and waw it said you were killed by (insert name) so yeah). My steam name is John-117 (So original, I know). I also have a ps3 but don't play it too much, my name on there is BatmansGrandma.
My favourite games on console are: COD, Assassin's Creed and Halo.
I play Skyrim on my pc and I love to mod it. I am also a massive lore addict, so yeah. Another game I love to play on pc is Planetside 2 because I love large scale battles. Victory for the New Conglomerate!
I love watching tv shows and movies. My favourite movies include: Inception, LOTR, V for Vendetta, The Shawshank Redemption and The Matrix. Favourite TV shows include: Person of Interest, Arrow, The Walking Dead and my all time favourite Breaking Bad. I want to watch Game of Thrones but i'm waiting until I finish the book(s).
My Bethesda Forums account: http://forums.bethsoft.com/user/940874-dovahkiindragonborn/ My wiki account: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/User:Dr._Porter
I am planning on making a fanfiction story based on an event in TES history so any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks