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(Fighter-type Roleplaying)

Be a Big Time Extremist. Races: Imperial, Orc, Redguard, Or Nord. Euipment: A must have a huge hamer, a sword adviced long sword, a hand axe, mortor and pestal, and a bow and arrows. Skills:Blunt,Blade,Alchemy,Marksman,Athletics,Destrution,Restoration. always go into caves and crush anything you see go into forts and kill undead. (Fighter-type Roleplaying)

(The Paladain) (The noble warrior for good like a crusader you may say but a say beter.) (Races: Ok it's easy Imperial or Redgaurd) (Skills: Blade, Heavy Armour, Block, Resurestion, Speach Craft, Atheletics, Alechemy.) (Rules: Only have one set of Armour one shield and up to four Wepons max two minimum.) (Birth Sign: The Lord.) (Ok your from Nobel blood best way to do that is to have your dad a lord. Ok add a bit of spice to this by saying that your father became a noble Warlord. your mother ran away with you because your father was becoming greedy but she dose not tell you. you want to meet your father, unfortunatly you discover your father has become a tyrant do your dudy and kill him then take a oath and sware on his grave that you will bring good to his name and the world. start with the fort, Make your fathers evil maurders fort into a rest place for pigrims and a holy santuary for maby talos, make peace. other ideas coming soon.I am still looking for a fort i'll get back on that. Ok next step get a party of adventurers join mages guild only to get erthor (Skingrad mages recomindation) just dont take him to the mages guild. Next on is magliar from the fighters guild do enough quests to get him. Next mazoga the orc, leawin castle, Then optional get jauffre and martin if you have already brought them to Cloud ruller temple its ok because you'll be doing that quest. Next Guilbert Jemane and his brother Reynald Jemane do not take them to weather lea.)

(This Artical is not finished)