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Where to ask questions and make comments

Finding Information

  • Searching – One of the easiest and fastest ways to find the answer to your question.
e.g. To learn more about Oblivion Gates, type in the phrase Oblivion Gates in the left search box or in your favorite search engine.
  • Reference Desk – If you can't find the answer to your question by searching, then ask the community at the reference desk.
e.g. Who do I talk to in order to join the Imperial Legion?

Discussing Articles

  • Articles are discussed on their respective talk pages. Click on the "discussion" link to discuss or comment on the article.
  • The community portal is where we discuss the site in general.

Ask on IRC

You are welcome to ask questions in one of the many Elder Scrolls related IRC channels. One of the most popular is the #eshelp channel, but those of us at #UESPWiki can help you as well.

Ask on the Forums

You are welcome to ask questions at the UESP forums. There are separate subforums for each of the main TES games, as well as subforums specifically for Lore and general TES topics which apply to more than just one game.

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