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UESPWiki:News/Forums Anniversary Party

< UESPWiki:News

Forums Anniversary Party — November 19th, 2007

To mark their second anniversary, the UESP Forums are holding a party on Friday, 23 November 2007 (the UESP forums were started at Wed Nov 23, 2005 5:58 am). A four-hour window has been set aside for the party (note that all the following time periods are the same, just translated into different time zones):

Time Zone Four-Hour Window
Hawaii 7am–11am
Pacific 9am–1pm
Mountain Standard Time 10am–2pm
Central USA 11am–3pm
Eastern USA 12pm–4pm
London 5pm–9pm
Paris, Berlin 6pm–10pm
Helsinki, Istanbul 7pm–11pm
Moscow, Riyadh 8pm–12pm

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