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UESPWiki:Community Interviews/Rook

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Meet Rook (formerly Skyrimplayer), a Userspace Patroller here at UESP! To learn even more about them, visit their user page.

 Skyrim-Box-TL.gif Skyrim-Box-TR.gif Skyrim-Box-BL.gif Skyrim-Box-BR.gif

What’s your role around UESP?

I'm a Userpatroller. It's sort of like a semi-patroller. The main difference being that Userpatrollers are only capable of marking edits to made to any User space as patrolled. These spaces include the Userpage, and the User Talk Page.
A Userpatrollers edits to userspaces are automatically patrolled.

How long have you been involved?

I've been a member since about July 15th, 2012.
I did have another account which I had made beforehand, but I never used it.

What’s your favorite part of the site?

The Community. Sometimes we can be a bit mean to each other, but when it comes down to it, the people are all pretty decent. And that's saying something.

Favorite Elder Scrolls game? quest? faction?

Game: Oblivion, coming in slightly before Morrowind.
Quest: Tie between Whodunit? (Oblivion) and the Forsworn Conspiracy (Skyrim)
Faction: The Dark Brotherhood (Oblivion) or the Thieves Guild (Skyrim)

You meddled with the Daedric Princes, and now one NPC is forced to be your sidekick. Who would you choose?

Teinaava (Oblivion)
We'd be kicking all kinds of ass. Dark Brotherhood style.

Tell us one of your favorite things about Tamriel.

The World. It's just so expansive and beautiful. You just want to get lost in it.
And the dogs are pretty sweet too.

Tell us one thing that you’ve learned while being a member of UESP.

I learnd butter grammerz anb spling.
No seriously, look at my first few edits. And then look at my recent ones. HUGE quality difference.

What would you like to say to UESP readers and fans?

To UESP: Keep improving, guys. We have a nice site here, let's keep it going until TES X!
To my fans: I love you all, you beautiful people.