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Skyrim Mod:SkyEdit/Features

< Modding

Current Features

The following lists the current features found in SkyEdit.

Fully Editable Records

The following records are fully (or mostly fully) editable:

  • Keywords
  • Recipes
  • Globals
  • Game Settings
  • Magic Effects
  • Weapons
  • Enchantments
  • Spells
  • Ingredients
  • Misc
  • Statics
  • Armatures (ARMA)
  • Shouts
  • Containers
  • Leveled Items
  • Leveled Spells
  • Leveled Actors
  • Armor
  • Ammo
  • Lights
  • Potions
  • Books
  • Scrolls
  • Activators
  • Soul Gems
  • Words of Power

Partially Editable Records

The following records are partially editable:


  • Automatic backup of files when saving (can be disabled). Backup location, maximum number, and maximum size can be customized.
  • Undo most actions when editing records (add, delete, edit).
  • Find text or binary data, case sensitive or insensitive. More exhaustive search than the CS.
  • Batch edit multiple records with common fields.
  • Open and edit multiple plugins at once.
  • View the raw hex of record data.

User Interface

  • More consistent and organized user interface (hopefully).
  • Record counts shown in record tree.
  • Record list shows active and deleted records in different colors.
  • Custom dialog to make selection of scripts/enchantments/etc... for records easier.
  • Record list shows almost all fields for a record.
  • Record tree can be customized to show different grouping of records. Default group categories are improved.
  • Update a record being edited without closing its dialog (Apply).
  • Drag-and-drop operations are supported in more locations

Help System

  • Tooltips for most controls (can be disabled).
  • Press F1 to jump to the appropriate help page on the UESP or CS wiki (selected in options).


  • Import/export most records from/to CSV (Comma Seperated Value) files.
  • Most records fields supported.
  • Escapes/unescapes special characters (carriage returns, tabs, commas, etc...) to allow extended fields to be exported/imported.
  • Existing records are automatically updated/overwritten when importing.
  • Formids automatically assigned to new imported records.


  • Improved performance at the cost of requiring more memory (loading Oblivion.esm takes +800 MB).
  • Skyrim.esm is only loaded once per session which allows multiple plugins to be loaded at once and decreases the time of subsequent loads.

Desired Features

The following lists wanted or planned features for SkyEdit. Note that a feature listed here may not necessarily ever be implemented.

  • The ability to edit the object id or atleast show what object id your newly created items have
  • The ability to export as overwrite / new record to a new / existing mod like FO3 Edit / NV Edit.