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Skyrim Mod:Mod File Format/SLGM

< File Formats: Mod File Format

A SLGM record represents a Soul Gem

The flag 0x20000 in the record header flags indicates, if the gem can hold NPC souls. If so, the CK disables the SLCP field.

C V Field Name Type/Size Info
+ EDID editorID zstring Record Editor ID
+ OBND objectBounds OBND Always 12 bytes even if all 0s
- 40 FULL itemName lstring Full (in-game) name
+ MODL model zstring Path to .nif
- MODT model data struct[] series of 12-byte structs (assume xyz)
- KSIZ numKeywords KSIZ KYWD Count.
- KWDA keywords KWDA [KYWD 0x000937A3] VendorItemSoulGem
+ SOUL current soul ubyte Current soul value 0(none) - 5(grand)
+ DATA data struct 8-byte struct
0-3 (uint32) base value
4-7 (float) weight
+ SLCP soul capacity ubyte Capacity soul value 0(none) - 5(grand)
- NAM0 filled gem formid SLGM formid of filled gem. This is only used twice, once for an empty Grand and an empty Black Soul Gem which points to the appropriate filled soul gem.
* ZNAM sound formid found in Soul Gems Differ