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Skyrim Mod:Mod File Format/SHOU

< File Formats: Mod File Format

SHOU records contain information on dragon shouts and other similar abilities such as racial activated powers.

Each SHOU record always ends with 3 SNAM records for each word of power (WOOP) and corresponding (SPEL) attached. Power that are not actual dragon shouts (werewolf, racial) still have the 3 records, they are just all 0s when it doesn't apply.

C SubRecord Name Type/Size Info
+ EDID editorId zstring Editor id
- FULL fullName lstring Full (in-game) name
+ MDOB inventoryModel formid Model (STAT) shown in inventory
+ DESC description lstring Description of the shout (0 if none).
* SNAM shoutData struct 12 bytes, Always 3 of these in each shout
formid - Word, Word of Power (WOOP)
formid - Spell, actual spell effect (SPEL)
float - Recovery Time, for player dragon shouts, this matches the (total) recharge time. For non- this value is usually some small arbitrary number.