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Skyrim Mod:Mod File Format/MATO

< File Formats: Mod File Format

MATO are material objects, records are simple and consist of a name, a model (usually) and some structs presumably with dimensional information.

C V Field Name Type/Size Info
+ EDID Editor ID zstring
- MODL model zstring path to .nif not present seems to = LOD
* DNAM Property Data struct Very large when present
+ DATA unknown struct Usually 48 bytes, small number of 32/28
Float - Falloff Scale
Float - Falloff Bias
Float - Noise UV Scale
Float - Material UV Scale
Float - DirProjVector X
Float - DirProjVector Y
Float - DirProjVector Z
Float - Normal Dampener
Float - Single Pass Color R (this # x255)
Float - Single Pass Color G (this # x255)
Float - Single Pass Color B (this # x255)
uint32 - Single Pass (Boolean)