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Skyrim Mod:Mod File Format/DOBJ

< File Formats: Mod File Format

In Skyrim.esm there is only one 1 DOBJ record (formid 0x00000031). This DOBJ has 1 field - DNAM, with a length of 2424 bytes. For Dawnguard.esm and Heartfires.esm the length is 2592, for the Update.esm from Patch 1.8 it is 2656.

This is a lookup array of variable names to the record they reference. Taken in 8 bytes at a time, there are 4 characters on the left, followed by a formid on the next 4 bytes. It is assumed that if the formid is 0 then it that is a null value.

This is the translation of the object, translated characters on the left, and translated formIDs on the right (in the format "[TYPE 0xFORMID] EDID"), in the order it appears in the object:

Addons can overwrite and define new values. They contain many entries of only zeros and new entries can appear in the middle of the list. The following tables show the non-zero entries in the order they appear in the game data: