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Skyrim Mod:Mod File Format/DEBR

< File Formats: Mod File Format

DEBR records contain information on "debris". In Skyrim.esm, there are only 3 records, 'IceFormDebris', 'IceFormDebris14', and 'IceWraithDebris'.

The structure is simple, DATA and MODT repeat many times for the 2 IceFormDebris and just DATA repeats for IceWraithDebris

C SubRecord Name Type/Size Info
+ EDID editorId zstring Editor id
+ DATA directional data? struct struct - 42 bytes for IceForm (have MODT) and 45 for IceWraith (does not)
uint8 Percentage
zstring Model Path
uint8 Flags
0x01 - Has Collision Data
- MODT model data MODT 6 12-byte structs (assume xyz)