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Skyrim Mod:Compiled Script File Format

< File Formats

Skyrim supports version 3.0 to 3.1 compiled script files.

The format appears to be stored in big-endian regardless of platform (Windows, PS3, and 360 observed as big-endian).


Name Type/Size Info
magic uint32 0xFA57C0DE (FASTCODE?)
majorVersion uint8 3
minorVersion uint8 1 (Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn scripts are 2)
gameId uint16 1 = Skyrim?
compilationTime uint64 the compilation time
sourceFileName bstring Name of the source file this file was compiled from (.psc extension).
username bstring Username used to compile the script
machinename bstring Machine name used to compile the script
stringTable String Table StringTable to look up member names and other stuff from
debugInfo Debug Info
userFlagCount uint16
userFlags User Flag[userFlagCount]
objectCount uint16
objects Object[objectCount]


String Table

Name Type/Size Info
count uint16
strings bstring[count]

Debug Info

Name Type/Size Info
hasDebugInfo uint8 Flag, if zero then no debug info is present and the rest of the record is skipped
modificationTime uint64 time_t
functionCount uint16
functions Debug Function[functionCount]

Debug Function

Name Type/Size Info
objectNameIndex uint16 Index(base 0) into string table.
stateNameIndex uint16 Index(base 0) into string table.
functionNameIndex uint16 Index(base 0) into string table.
functionType uint8 valid values 0-3
instructionCount uint16
lineNumbers uint16[instructionCount] Maps instructions to their original lines in the source.

User Flag

Name Type/Size Info
nameIndex uint16 Index(base 0) into string table.
flagIndex uint8 Bit index


Name Type/Size Info
nameIndex uint16 Index(base 0) into string table.
size uint32
data Object Data [size-4] size includes itself for some reason, hence size-4

Object Data

Name Type/Size Info
parentClassName uint16 Index(base 0) into string table.
docstring uint16 Index(base 0) into string table.
userFlags uint32
autoStateName uint16 Index(base 0) into string table.
numVariables uint16
variables Variable[numVariables]
numProperties uint16
properties Property[numProperties]
numStates uint16
states State[numStates]
Name Type/Size Info
name uint16 Index(base 0) into string table.
typeName uint16 Index(base 0) into string table.
userFlags uint32
data Variable Data Default value
Variable Data
Name Type/Size Info
type uint8 0 = null, 1 = identifier, 2 = string, 3 = integer, 4 = float, 5 = bool
data uint16 Index(base 0) into string table, present for identifier and string types only
data int32 present for integer types only
data float present for float types only
data uint8 present for bool types only
Name Type/Size Info
name uint16 Index(base 0) into string table
type uint16 Index(base 0) into string table
docstring uint16 Index(base 0) into string table
userFlags uint32
flags uint8 bitfield: 1(bit 1) = read, 2(bit 2) = write, 4(bit 3) = autovar. For example, Property in a source script contains only get() or is defined AutoReadOnly then the flags is 0x1, contains get() and set() then the flags is 0x3.
autoVarName uint16 Index(base 0) into string table, present if (flags & 4) != 0
readHandler Function present if (flags & 5) == 1
writeHandler Function present if (flags & 6) == 2
Name Type/Size Info
name uint16 Index(base 0) into string table, empty string for default state
numFunctions uint16
functions Named Function[numFunctions]

Named Function

Name Type/Size Info
functionName uint16 Index(base 0) into string table
function Function


Function is nameless. Its name will be defined in Named Function at State.

Name Type/Size Info
returnType uint16 Index(base 0) into string table
docstring uint16 Index(base 0) into string table
userFlags uint32
flags uint8
  • bit 0 = global function
  • bit 1 = native function (i.e., no code)
numParams uint16
params Variable Type[numParams]
numLocals uint16
locals Variable Type[numLocals]
numInstructions uint16
instructions Instruction[numInstructions]
Variable Type
Name Type/Size Info
name uint16 Index(base 0) into string table
type uint16 Index(base 0) into string table
Name Type/Size Info
op uint8 see Opcodes
arguments Variable Data[changes depending on opcode] Length is dependent on opcode, also varargs
Opcode Name Arguments Description
00 nop none do nothing
01 iadd SII add two integers
02 fadd SFF add two floats
03 isub SII subtract two integers
04 fsub SFF subtract two floats
05 imul SII multiply two integers
06 fmul SFF multiply two floats
07 idiv SII divide two integers
08 fdiv SFF divide two floats
09 imod SII remainder of two integers
0A not SA flip a bool, type conversion may occur?
0B ineg SI negate an integer
0C fneg SF negate a float
0D assign SA store a variable
0E cast SA type conversion?
0F cmp_eq SAA set a bool to true if a == b
10 cmp_lt SAA set a bool to true if a < b
11 cmp_le SAA set a bool to true if a <= b
12 cmp_gt SAA set a bool to true if a > b
13 cmp_ge SAA set a bool to true if a >= b
14 jmp L relative unconditional branch
15 jmpt AL relative conditional branch if a bool is true
16 jmpf AL relative conditional branch if a bool is false
17 callmethod NSS*
18 callparent NS*
19 callstatic NNS*
1A return A
1B strcat SQQ concatenate two strings
1C propget NSS retrieve an instance property
1D propset NSA set an instance property
1E array_create Su create an array of the specified size
1F array_length SS get an array's length
20 array_getelement SSI set an element of an array
21 array_setelement SIA get an element of an array
22 array_findelement SSII find an element in an array. The 4th arg is the startIndex, default = 0
23 array_rfindelement SSII find an element in an array, starting from the end. The 4th arg is the startIndex, default = -1

Each character in the "arguments" string specifies an argument type. They're all read as Variable Data. * characters are used for variable-length arguments. The first argument is an integer telling you how many additional arguments follow.

A tool for dumping compiled scripts w/ source may be found at [1].