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Skyrim:Leveled Lists

< Hints

Skyrim uses leveled lists primarily to adjust content to your level. But they are sometimes used to group objects for other reasons.

There are three kinds of leveled lists:

  • leveled item lists (LVLI)
  • leveled actor/NPC lists (LVLN)
  • leveled spell lists (LVSP).

Additionally there are non-leveled lists of objects (FLST) not considered here.

Leveled lists contain for each item on the list additional information about the game level and a count specifying the number of items of this kind created by the list. Leveled lists are sometimes themselves objects nested inside other leveled lists.

There are a number of global flags attached to each list. The default is to return the object on the list that is closest to a specified level but not exceeding it. The target level is usually your level, possibly modified by the level of the encounter zone. Leveled creatures with a level modifier of "very hard" will be at least the next higher entry on the list instead[1]. If the "all levels" flag is set, a random entry below the target level is returned instead. The "use all" flag calls all items on the list, often used for treasure lists.

The "each item" flag is relevant if a list is an item on another list with a count greater than one. If the flag is set, such a list is recalculated for each individual item in the count. Otherwise the list is just calculated once and the result multiplied by the count. The 'special loot' flag modifies(?) how items are selected from the list. Finally a list can specify a chance that no item is returned at all. That chance can be either a fixed number, or a variable changed by certain events in the game.


Single Item Lists

For some items, there is a single specific item that will appear, scaled in power based on your level at the time the item is created. Many of these items are listed at Leveled Items.

Dwarven Scraps

Item Quantity
Bent Dwemer Scrap Metal 2
Centurion Dynamo Core 1
Dwemer Cog 1
Dwemer Gear 1
Dwemer Gyro 1
Dwemer Lever 2
Dwemer Scrap Metal 2
Large Dwemer Strut 1
Large Decorative Dwemer Strut 1
Large Dwemer Plate Metal 1
Small Dwemer Plate Metal 1
Small Dwemer Lever 1
Solid Dwemer Metal 1

Gold Rewards

Several quests or favors are rewarded with a leveled amount of gold. The amount of gold depends on your level, while the particular quest or favor determines which list is used. Note that the titles are taken from the internal reward names.

Level Small Medium Large Wow
1-9 250 400 500 750
10-19 400 600 750 1000
20-29 500 800 1000 1250
30-39 600 1000 1250 1500
40+ 750 1200 1500 1800

Leveled Gems

At each level, an item is added to the list, so at any level there will be the items listed at that level and every prior one on the list. It will then pick one of those randomly. Note that many have multiple entries, making that particular gem more likely.

PC Level Gems
1 3 × Garnet
2 × Amethyst
2 3 × Amethyst
4 1 × Flawless Garnet
8 1 × Flawless Garnet
1 × Ruby
10 1 × Flawless Garnet
1 × Ruby
12 1 × Ruby
1 × Flawless Amethyst
14 1 × Ruby
1 × Flawless Amethyst
16 1 × Flawless Amethyst
1 × Sapphire
18 1 × Flawless Amethyst
1 × Sapphire
20 1 × Sapphire
1 × Flawless Ruby
22 1 × Sapphire
1 × Flawless Ruby
24 1 × Flawless Ruby
1 × Emerald
26 1 × Flawless Ruby
1 × Emerald
28 1 × Emerald
1 × Flawless Sapphire
30 1 × Emerald
1 × Flawless Sapphire
32 1 × Flawless Sapphire
1 × Diamond
34 1 × Flawless Sapphire
1 × Diamond
36 1 × Diamond
1 × Flawless Emerald
38 1 × Diamond
1 × Flawless Emerald
40 1 × Flawless Emerald
1 × Flawless Diamond
42 1 × Flawless Emerald
1 × Flawless Diamond
44 1 × Flawless Diamond
46 1 × Flawless Diamond

Pocket Contents

  Items marked with a dagger have a 20% chance of being enchanted.


Item Quantity Chance
Children's Food 1 100%
Children's Food 3 25% each
Toy 1 100%
Toy 2 75% each
Toy 1 25%

For more detailed listings see this section.


Item Quantity Chance
Food 1 100%
Gold 0-9 100%
Alcohol 1 75%
Lockpick 1 75%
Lockpicks 3 25% each
Leveled Ring 1 25%

For more detailed listings see this section.


Item Quantity Chance
Food 1 100%
Gold 5-23 Decreases as value increases
Alcohol 1 75%
Lockpick 1 75%
Leveled Ring 1 75%
Leveled Ring 1 25%
Leveled Necklace 1 25%
Small Leveled Gem 1 25%

For more detailed listings see this section.


Item Quantity Chance
Food 1 100%
Gold 10-37 Decreases as value increases
Alcohol 2 75% each
Lockpick 1 25%
Leveled Rings 1 25%
Leveled Rings 1 75%
Leveled Necklace 1 75%
Leveled Gem 1 75%
Small Leveled Gem 1 25%
Prowler's Profit Gems 1-4 Decreases as amount increases

For more detailed listings see this section.

Pocket Item Lists

  Items marked with a dagger have a 20% chance of being enchanted.
Child Pocket Contents


1 Item, at 100%.
Red Apple
Honey Nut Treat
Apple Pie
Sweet Roll
Long Taffy Treat
Boiled Creme Treat


3 Items, at 25% chance each.
Red Apple
Honey Nut Treat
Apple Pie
Sweet Roll
Long Taffy Treat
Boiled Creme Treat
1 Item, at 100%.
Roll of Paper
Leather Strips
Burned Book
Fox Pelt
Horker Tusk
Iron Ingot
Broken Steel Sword Handle
Empty Wine Bottle
Wooden Ladle
2 Items, at 75% each.
Roll of Paper
Leather Strips
Burned Book
Fox Pelt
Horker Tusk
Iron Ingot
Broken Steel Sword Handle
Empty Wine Bottle
Wooden Ladle
1 Item, at 25%.
Roll of Paper
Leather Strips
Burned Book
Fox Pelt
Horker Tusk
Iron Ingot
Broken Steel Sword Handle
Empty Wine Bottle
Wooden Ladle

Poor Pocket Contents


1 Item, at 25%
1 Silver Ring (x4)
Silver Garnet Ring (x4)
4 Silver Amethyst Ring
5 Silver Amethyst Ring
Gold Ring
6 Silver Amethyst Ring
Gold Ring
7 Silver Amethyst Ring
Gold Ring
Silver Ruby Ring
8 Gold Ring
Silver Ruby Ring
9 Silver Ruby Ring
Gold Sapphire Ring
10 Silver Ruby Ring
Gold Sapphire Ring
11 Gold Sapphire Ring
Gold Emerald Ring
12 Gold Sapphire Ring
Gold Emerald Ring
13 Gold Emerald Ring
Gold Diamond Ring
14 Gold Emerald Ring
Gold Diamond Ring
15 + 16 Gold Diamond Ring (x3)


1 Item, at 100%.
Red Apple
Bread (x2)
Green Apple
Goat Cheese Wedge
Eidar Cheese Wedge
Honey Nut Treat
Grilled Leeks
Apple Pie
Baked Potatoes
Salmon Steak
Seared Slaughterfish
Sweet Roll
Salt Pile
Venison Chop
Rabbit Haunch
Horker Loaf
Leg of Goat Roast
Grilled Chicken Breast (x2)
Cooked Beef (x3)


3 Items, at 25% each


1 Item, at 75%
Nord Mead
Nord Mead
Alto Wine


1 Item, at 75% each


1 Item at 90%
1 Gold
2 Gold
3 Gold
4 Gold
5 Gold
6 Gold
7 Gold
8 Gold
9 Gold
Common Pocket Contents
1 Item, at 25%
1 Silver Ring
Silver Garnet Ring
4 Silver Amethyst Ring
5 Silver Amethyst Ring
Gold Ring
6 Silver Amethyst Ring
Gold Ring
7 Silver Amethyst Ring
Gold Ring
Silver Ruby Ring
8 Gold Ring
Silver Ruby Ring
9 Silver Ruby Ring
Gold Sapphire Ring
10 Silver Ruby Ring
Gold Sapphire Ring
11 Gold Sapphire Ring
Gold Emerald Ring
12 Gold Sapphire Ring
Gold Emerald Ring
13 Gold Emerald Ring
Gold Diamond Ring
14 Gold Emerald Ring
Gold Diamond Ring
15 + 16 Gold Diamond Ring
1 Item, at 75%
1 Silver Ring
Silver Garnet Ring
4 Silver Amethyst Ring
5 Silver Amethyst Ring
Gold Ring
6 Silver Amethyst Ring
Gold Ring
7 Silver Amethyst Ring
Gold Ring
Silver Ruby Ring
8 Gold Ring
Silver Ruby Ring
9 Silver Ruby Ring
Gold Sapphire Ring
10 Silver Ruby Ring
Gold Sapphire Ring
11 Gold Sapphire Ring
Gold Emerald Ring
12 Gold Sapphire Ring
Gold Emerald Ring
13 Gold Emerald Ring
Gold Diamond Ring
14 Gold Emerald Ring
Gold Diamond Ring
15 + 16 Gold Diamond Ring
1 Item, at 25%
1 Silver Necklace
Gold Necklace
4 Silver Sapphire Necklace
5 Gold Ruby Necklace
Silver Sapphire
6 Gold Ruby Necklace
Silver Sapphire Necklace
7 Silver Emerald Necklace
Gold Ruby Necklace
Silver Sapphire Necklace
8 Silver Emerald Necklace
Gold Ruby Necklace
9 Silver Jeweled Necklace
Silver Emerald Necklace
10 Silver Jeweled Necklace
Silver Emerald Necklace
11 Gold Diamond Necklace
Silver Jeweled Necklace
12 Gold Diamond Necklace
Silver Jeweled Necklace
13 Gold Jeweled Necklace
Gold Diamond Necklace
14 Gold Jeweled Necklace
Gold Diamond Necklace
15 + 16 Gold Jeweled Necklace


1 Item, at 100%.
Red Apple
Bread (x2)
Green Apple
Goat Cheese Wedge
Eidar Cheese Wedge
Honey Nut Treat
Grilled Leeks
Apple Pie
Baked Potatoes
Salmon Steak
Seared Slaughterfish
Sweet Roll
Salt Pile
Venison Chop
Rabbit Haunch
Horker Loaf
Leg of Goat Roast
Grilled Chicken Breast (x2)
Cooked Beef (x3)
1 Item, at 100%
1 Gold
1 Garnet
2 Amethyst
4 Flawless Garnet
6 Flawless Garnet
8 Flawless Garnet
Ruby (0x00063b42)
10 Flawless Garnet
12 Ruby (0x00063b42)
Flawless Amethyst
14 Ruby
Flawless Amethyst
16 - 18 Flawless Amethyst
1 Item, at 90%
1 Gold
2 Gold
3 Gold
4 Gold
5 Gold
6 Gold
7 Gold
8 Gold
9 Gold
1 Item, at 25%
1 Gold
2 Gold
3 Gold
4 Gold
5 Gold
6 Gold
7 Gold
8 Gold
9 Gold


1 Item, at 75%
Nord Mead
Nord Mead
Alto Wine


1 Item, at 75%
Rich Pocket Contents
1 Item, at 75%
1 Silver Ring
Silver Garnet Ring
4 Silver Amethyst Ring
5 Silver Amethyst Ring
Gold Ring
6 Silver Amethyst Ring
Gold Ring
7 Silver Amethyst Ring
Gold Ring
Silver Ruby Ring
8 Gold Ring
Silver Ruby Ring
9 Silver Ruby Ring
Gold Sapphire Ring
10 Silver Ruby Ring
Gold Sapphire Ring
11 Gold Sapphire Ring
Gold Emerald Ring
12 Gold Sapphire Ring
Gold Emerald Ring
13 Gold Emerald Ring
Gold Diamond Ring
14 Gold Emerald Ring
Gold Diamond Ring
15 + 16 Gold Diamond Ring
1 Item, at 25%
1 Silver Necklace
Gold Necklace
4 Silver Sapphire Necklace
5 Gold Ruby Necklace
Silver Sapphire
6 Gold Ruby Necklace
Silver Sapphire Necklace
7 Silver Emerald Necklace
Gold Ruby Necklace
Silver Sapphire Necklace
8 Silver Emerald Necklace
Gold Ruby Necklace
9 Silver Jeweled Necklace
Silver Emerald Necklace
10 Silver Jeweled Necklace
Silver Emerald Necklace
11 Gold Diamond Necklace
Silver Jeweled Necklace
12 Gold Diamond Necklace
Silver Jeweled Necklace
13 Gold Jeweled Necklace
Gold Diamond Necklace
14 Gold Jeweled Necklace
Gold Diamond Necklace
15 + 16 Gold Jeweled Necklace
1 Item, at 25%
1 Garnet (x3)
Amethyst (x2)
2 Amethyst
4-6 Flawless Garnet
8-10 Flawless Garnet
12-14 Ruby
Flawless Amethyst
16-18 Flawless Amethyst
20-22 Sapphire
Flawless Ruby
24-26 Flawless Ruby
28-30 Emerald
Flawless Sapphire
32-34 Flawless Sapphire
36-38 Diamond
Flawless Emerald
40-42 Flawless Emerald
Flawless Diamond
44-46 Flawless Diamond


1 Item, at 100%.
Red Apple
Bread (x2)
Green Apple
Goat Cheese Wedge
Eidar Cheese Wedge
Honey Nut Treat
Grilled Leeks
Apple Pie
Baked Potatoes
Salmon Steak
Seared Slaughterfish
Sweet Roll
Salt Pile
Venison Chop
Rabbit Haunch
Horker Loaf
Leg of Goat Roast
Grilled Chicken Breast (x2)
Cooked Beef (x3)


1 Item, at 75%
1 Item, at 25%
1 Garnet
2 Amethyst
4 Flawless Garnet
6 Flawless Garnet
8 Flawless Garnet
Ruby (0x00063b42)
10 Flawless Garnet
12 Ruby (0x00063b42)
Flawless Amethyst
14 Ruby
Flawless Amethyst
16 - 18 Flawless Amethyst


2 Itema, at 75% each
Nord Mead
Nord Mead
Alto Wine
1 Item, at 100%
10 Gold
1 Item, at 25%
1 Gold
2 Gold
3 Gold
4 Gold
5 Gold
6 Gold
7 Gold
8 Gold
9 Gold
2 Items, at 90% each
1 Gold
2 Gold
3 Gold
4 Gold
5 Gold
6 Gold
7 Gold
8 Gold
9 Gold

In addition to those items, there is TGLootProwlersProfit which gives out the same the Gems as listed at LootCitizenRingList25 (above). You will always find at least one of these gems. The chances are split up as follows: 100% chance on the first gem, 75% chance on the second gem, 50% chance on the third gem and 25% on the fourth gem.

Item Enchantment

These are the possible enchantments on items, specifically there is a separate list for Necklaces and a separate list for Rings.

Necklace Enchantments
Enchantment Magnitude (Leveled)
Fortify Health 1-7 20 Points 8-15 30 Points 16-23 40 Points 24-31 50 Points 32-39 60 Points 40+ 70 Points
Resist Fire 1-7 15 Points 8-15 30 Points 16-23 40 Points 24-31 50 Points 32-39 60 Points 40+ 70 Points
Resist Frost 1-7 15 Points 8-15 30 Points 16-23 40 Points 24-31 50 Points 32-39 60 Points 40+ 70 Points
Resist Magic 8-15 10 Points 16-23 12 Points 24-31 15 Points 32-39 17 Points 40-47 20 Points 48+ 22 Points
Misc Enchantments
Level 1 - 4
N/A Level 5 - 9
Resist Poison
Level 10 - 14
Resist Disease
50% Level 15 - 19
Resist Poison
Level 20+
Resist Disease
Resist Shock 1-7 15 Points 8-15 30 Points 16-23 40 Points 24-31 50 Points 32-39 60 Points 40+ 70 Points
Fortify Stamina 1-7 20 Points 8-15 30 Points 16-23 40 Points 24-31 50 Points 32-39 60 Points 40+ 70 Points
Fortify Alchemy 1-7 12 Points 8-15 15 Points 16-23 17 Points 24-31 20 Points 39-40 22 Points 40+ 25 Points
Fortify Block 1-7 15 Points 8-15 20 Points 16-23 25 Points 24-31 30 Points 39-40 35 Points 40+ 40 Points
Fortify Heavy Armor 1-7 12 Points 8-15 15 Points 16-23 17 Points 24-31 20 Points 32-39 22 Points 40+ 25 Points
Fortify Light Armor 1-7 12 Points 8-15 15 Points 16-23 17 Points 24-31 20 Points 32-39 22 Points 40+ 25 Points
Fortify Lockpicking 1-7 15 Points 8-15 20 Points 16-23 25 Points 24-31 30 Points 39-40 35 Points 40+ 40 Points
Fortify Magicka 1-7 20 Points 8-15 30 Points 16-23 40 Points 24-31 50 Points 32-39 60 Points 40+ 70 Points
Fortify One-handed 1-7 15 Points 8-15 20 Points 16-23 25 Points 24-31 30 Points 39-40 35 Points 40+ 40 Points
Fortify Pickpocket 1-7 15 Points 8-15 20 Points 16-23 25 Points 24-31 30 Points 39-40 35 Points 40+ 40 Points
Fortify Smithing 1-7 12 Points 8-15 15 Points 16-23 17 Points 24-31 20 Points 32-39 22 Points 40+ 25 Points
Fortify Sneak 1-7 15 Points 8-15 20 Points 16-23 25 Points 24-31 30 Points 39-40 35 Points 40+ 40 Points
Fortify Barter 1-7 12 Points 8-15 15 Points 16-23 17 Points 24-31 20 Points 32-39 22 Points 40+ 25 Points
Fortify Two-handed 1-7 15 Points 8-15 20 Points 16-23 25 Points 24-31 30 Points 39-40 35 Points 40+ 40 Points
Regenerate Health 16-23 20 Points 24-31 30 Points 31-39 40 Points 40+ 50 Points
Regenerate Stamina 16-23 20 Points 24-31 30 Points 31-39 40 Points 40+ 50 Points
Ring Enchantments
Enchantment Magnitude (Leveled)
Fortify Block 1-7 15 Points 8-15 20 Points 16-23 25 Points 24-31 30 Points 39-40 35 Points 40+ 40 Points
Fortify Heavy Armor 1-7 12 Points 8-15 15 Points 16-23 17 Points 24-31 20 Points 32-39 22 Points 40+ 25 Points
Fortify Marksman 1-7 15 Points 8-15 20 Points 16-23 25 Points 24-31 30 Points 39-40 35 Points 40+ 40 Points
Fortify One-handed 1-7 15 Points 8-15 20 Points 16-23 25 Points 24-31 30 Points 39-40 35 Points 40+ 40 Points
Fortify Two-handed 1-7 15 Points 8-15 20 Points 16-23 25 Points 24-31 30 Points 39-40 35 Points 40+ 40 Points
Fortify Smithing 1-7 12 Points 8-15 15 Points 16-23 17 Points 24-31 20 Points 32-39 22 Points 40+ 25 Points
Fortify Alteration 1-7 12 Points 8-15 15 Points 16-23 17 Points 24-31 20 Points 32-39 22 Points 40+ 25 Points
Fortify Conjuration 1-7 12 Points 8-15 15 Points 16-23 17 Points 24-31 20 Points 32-39 22 Points 40+ 25 Points
Fortify Destruction 1-7 12 Points 8-15 15 Points 16-23 17 Points 24-31 20 Points 32-39 22 Points 40+ 25 Points
Fortify Illusion 1-7 12 Points 8-15 15 Points 16-23 17 Points 24-31 20 Points 32-39 22 Points 40+ 25 Points
Fortify Restoration 1-7 12 Points 8-15 15 Points 16-23 17 Points 24-31 20 Points 32-39 22 Points 40+ 25 Points
Resist Magic 1-7 10 Points 8-15 12 Points 16-23 15 Points 24-31 17 Points 32-39 20 Points 40+ 22 Points
Fortify Light Armor 1-7 12 Points 8-15 15 Points 16-23 17 Points 24-31 20 Points 32-39 22 Points 40+ 25 Points
Fortify Lockpicking 1-7 15 Points 8-15 20 Points 16-23 25 Points 24-31 30 Points 39-40 35 Points 40+ 40 Points
Fortify Pickpocket 1-7 15 Points 8-15 20 Points 16-23 25 Points 24-31 30 Points 39-40 35 Points 40+ 40 Points
Fortify Sneak 1-7 15 Points 8-15 20 Points 16-23 25 Points 24-31 30 Points 39-40 35 Points 40+ 40 Points
Fortify Health 1-7 20 Points 8-15 30 Points 16-23 40 Points 24-31 50 Points 32-39 60 Points 40+ 70 Points
Fortify Stamina 1-7 20 Points 8-15 30 Points 16-23 40 Points 24-31 50 Points 32-39 60 Points 40+ 70 Points
Fortify Magicka 1-7 20 Points 8-15 30 Points 16-23 40 Points 24-31 50 Points 32-39 60 Points 40+ 70 Points
Regenerate Health 16-23 20 Points 24-31 30 Points 31-39 40 Points 40+ 50 Points
Regenerate Stamina 16-23 20 Points 24-31 30 Points 31-39 40 Points 40+ 50 Points
Regenerate Magicka 16-23 20 Points 24-31 30 Points 31-39 40 Points 40+ 50 Points

Soul Gems

Leveled List Chance
Standard 75% Empty
25% Full
Shop 50% Empty
50% Full
Special 75% Empty
25% Full
PC Level Standard Shop Special
Empty Full Empty & Full Empty & Full
1 4 × Petty Soul Gem 4 × Petty Soul Gem 4 × Petty Soul Gem 4 × Petty Soul Gem
5 1 × Lesser Soul Gem
6 1 × Lesser Soul Gem
7 1 × Lesser Soul Gem 1 × Lesser Soul Gem
8 1 × Lesser Soul Gem 1 × Lesser Soul Gem 1 × Lesser Soul Gem 1 × Lesser Soul Gem
9 1 × Lesser Soul Gem 1 × Lesser Soul Gem 1 × Lesser Soul Gem
10 1 × Common Soul Gem 1 × Lesser Soul Gem 1 × Lesser Soul Gem 1 × Lesser Soul Gem
11 1 × Common Soul Gem 1 × Lesser Soul Gem 1 × Lesser Soul Gem
12 1 × Common Soul Gem
13 1 × Common Soul Gem
15 1 × Greater Soul Gem 1 × Common Soul Gem
16 1 × Greater Soul Gem 1 × Common Soul Gem 1 × Common Soul Gem 1 × Common Soul Gem
17 1 × Greater Soul Gem 1 × Common Soul Gem 1 × Common Soul Gem 1 × Common Soul Gem
18 1 × Greater Soul Gem 1 × Common Soul Gem 1 × Common Soul Gem 1 × Common Soul Gem
19 1 × Common Soul Gem 1 × Common Soul Gem
20 1 × Grand Soul Gem
21 1 × Grand Soul Gem
22 1 × Grand Soul Gem
23 1 × Grand Soul Gem
24 1 × Greater Soul Gem 1 × Greater Soul Gem
25 1 × Greater Soul Gem 1 × Greater Soul Gem
26 1 × Greater Soul Gem 1 × Greater Soul Gem
27 1 × Greater Soul Gem 1 × Greater Soul Gem
30 1 × Grand Soul Gem
31 1 × Black Soul Gem
32 1 × Grand Soul Gem 1 × Grand Soul Gem (75%)
1 × Black Soul Gem (25%)
33 1 × Grand Soul Gem 1 × Grand Soul Gem (75%)
1 × Black Soul Gem (25%)
34 1 × Grand Soul Gem 1 × Grand Soul Gem (75%)
1 × Black Soul Gem (25%)
35 1 × Grand Soul Gem 1 × Grand Soul Gem (75%)
1 × Black Soul Gem (25%)

Thieves Guild Lists

Several radiant Thieves Guild quests, namely The Fishing Job, The Heist Job, and The Shill Job, involve a randomly-selected gem or piece of jewelry. These quests all use the same leveled list to select the item.

The leveled list has a 50% chance of picking one gem and a 16.6% (one sixth) chance of picking either one necklace, ring or circlet. It then randomly picks an item from that sublist. How it works is that each item has a number of entries, and the more entries on the list the more likely that item will be chosen. For example, assuming that a gem is chosen,

  • If you are level one there is a 60% chance of a Garnet being chosen and a 40% chance of an Amethyst being chosen.
  • Once you move up to level two, three more entries for Amethyst are added.
  • Now, there is a 62.5% chance of an Amethyst and a 37.5% change of a Garnet.

This means that if you are at level 22, then every single item added at levels 1, 2, 3...22 are on the list, not just the item(s) listed at level 22.

The below table details what items are added to these lists at which level. A grayed out cell indicates that nothing is added to that particular sublist at that level.

PC Level Possible Loot
Gems Necklace Ring Circlet
1 3 × Garnet
2 × Amethyst
4 × Silver Necklace
4 × Gold Necklace
4 × Silver Ring
4 × Silver Garnet Ring
1 × Copper and Onyx Circlet
2 3 × Amethyst 1 × Copper and Moonstone Circlet
3 1 × Copper and Ruby Circlet
4 1 × Flawless Garnet 1 × Silver Sapphire Necklace 1 × Silver Amethyst Ring 1 × Copper and Sapphire Circlet
5 1 × Silver Sapphire Necklace
1 × Gold Ruby Necklace
1 × Silver Amethyst Ring
1 × Gold Ring
6 1 × Flawless Garnet 1 × Silver Sapphire Necklace
1 × Gold Ruby Necklace
1 × Silver Amethyst Ring
1 × Gold Ring
7 1 × Silver Sapphire Necklace
1 × Gold Ruby Necklace
1 × Silver Emerald Necklace
1 × Gold Ring
1 × Silver Ruby Ring
8 1 × Flawless Garnet
1 × Ruby
1 × Gold Ruby Necklace
1 × Silver Emerald Necklace
1 × Gold Ring
1 × Silver Ruby Ring
1 × Silver and Moonstone Circlet
9 1 × Silver Emerald Necklace
1 × Silver Jeweled Necklace
1 × Silver Ruby Ring
1 × Gold Sapphire Ring
10 1 × Flawless Garnet
1 × Ruby
1 × Silver Emerald Necklace
1 × Silver Jeweled Necklace
1 × Silver Ruby Ring
1 × Gold Sapphire Ring
11 1 × Silver Jeweled Necklace
1 × Gold Diamond Necklace
1 × Gold Sapphire Ring
1 × Gold Emerald Ring
12 1 × Ruby
1 × Flawless Amethyst
1 × Silver Jeweled Necklace
1 × Gold Diamond Necklace
1 × Gold Sapphire Ring
1 × Gold Emerald Ring
1 × Jade and Sapphire Circlet
13 1 × Gold Diamond Necklace
1 × Gold Jeweled Necklace
1 × Gold Emerald Ring
1 × Gold Diamond Ring
14 1 × Ruby
1 × Flawless Amethyst
1 × Gold Diamond Necklace
1 × Gold Jeweled Necklace
1 × Gold Emerald Ring
1 × Gold Diamond Ring
15 1 × Gold Jeweled Necklace 1 × Gold Diamond Ring
16 1 × Flawless Amethyst
1 × Sapphire
1 × Gold Jeweled Necklace 1 × Gold Diamond Ring 1 × Jade and Emerald Circlet
18 1 × Flawless Amethyst
1 × Sapphire
20 1 × Sapphire
1 × Flawless Ruby
1 × Silver and Sapphire Circlet
22 1 × Sapphire
1 × Flawless Ruby
24 1 × Flawless Ruby
1 × Emerald
1 × Gold and Ruby Circlet
26 1 × Flawless Ruby
1 × Emerald
28 1 × Emerald
1 × Flawless Sapphire
1 × Gold and Emerald Circlet
30 1 × Emerald
1 × Flawless Sapphire
32 1 × Flawless Sapphire
1 × Diamond
34 1 × Flawless Sapphire
1 × Diamond
36 1 × Diamond
1 × Flawless Emerald
38 1 × Diamond
1 × Flawless Emerald
40 1 × Flawless Emerald
1 × Flawless Diamond
42 1 × Flawless Emerald
1 × Flawless Diamond
44 1 × Flawless Diamond
46 1 × Flawless Diamond


Enchanted Weapons

This table lists the enchanted weapons given as an award for Thane quests, as well as a few other quests. The type of weapon depends on the list chosen. The rest of the information, including material and enchantment, is the same.

Leveled List

Leveled List Item Chance
  • War Axe (50%)
  • Battleaxe (50%)
  • Sword (50%)
  • Greatsword (50%)
  • Battleaxe (100%)
  • War Axe (100%)
  • One-handed
    • Mace (28.6%)
    • Sword (28.6%)
    • War Axe (28.6%)
    • Dagger (14.2%)
  • Two-handed
    • Battleaxe (33.3%)
    • Greatsword (33.3%)
    • Warhammer (33.3%)


Lvl Material
1 3 × Iron
4 1 × Steel
5 1 × Steel
6 1 × Steel
7 1 × Orcish
13 1 × Dwarven
20 1 × Elven
28 1 × Glass
37 1 × Ebony
47 1 × Daedric (5%),
Any other material (95%)


Iron Type PC Level
1 4 6
Fire <Weapon> of Embers <Weapon> of Burning <Weapon> of Scorching
Frost <Weapon> of Cold <Weapon> of Frost <Weapon> of Ice
Shock <Weapon> of Sparks <Weapon> of Arcing <Weapon> of Shocks
Magicka <Weapon> of Sapping <Weapon> of Draining <Weapon> of Diminishing
Stamina <Weapon> of Fatigue <Weapon> of Weariness <Weapon> of Torpor
Turn Undead Blessed <Weapon> Sanctified <Weapon> Reverent <Weapon>
Fear <Weapon> of Dismay <Weapon> of Cowardice <Weapon> of Fear
Soul Trap <Weapon> of Souls <Weapon> of Soul Snares <Weapon> of Binding
Steel Type PC Level
4 6 8
Fire <Weapon> of Embers <Weapon> of Burning <Weapon> of Scorching
Frost <Weapon> of Cold <Weapon> of Frost <Weapon> of Ice
Shock <Weapon> of Sparks <Weapon> of Arcing <Weapon> of Shocks
Magicka <Weapon> of Sapping <Weapon> of Draining <Weapon> of Diminishing
Stamina <Weapon> of Fatigue <Weapon> of Weariness <Weapon> of Torpor
Turn Undead Blessed <Weapon> Sanctified <Weapon> Reverent <Weapon>
Fear <Weapon> of Dismay <Weapon> of Cowardice <Weapon> of Fear
Soul Trap <Weapon> of Souls <Weapon> of Soul Snares <Weapon> of Binding
Orcish Type PC Level
7 9 11
Fire <Weapon> of Burning <Weapon> of Scorching <Weapon> of Flames
Frost <Weapon> of Frost <Weapon> of Ice <Weapon> of Freezing
Shock <Weapon> of Arcing <Weapon> of Shocks <Weapon> of Thunderbolts
Magicka <Weapon> of Draining <Weapon> of Diminishing <Weapon> of Depleting
Stamina <Weapon> of Weariness <Weapon> of Torpor <Weapon> of Debilitation
Turn Undead Sanctified <Weapon> Reverent <Weapon> Hallowed <Weapon>
Fear <Weapon> of Cowardice <Weapon> of Fear <Weapon> of Despair
Soul Trap <Weapon> of Soul Snares <Weapon> of Binding <Weapon> of Animus
Absorb Health <Weapon> of Absorption <Weapon> of Consuming <Weapon> of Devouring
Absorb Magicka <Weapon> of Siphoning <Weapon> of Harrowing <Weapon> of Winnowing
Absorb Stamina <Weapon> of Gleaning <Weapon> of Reaping <Weapon> of Harvesting
Dwarven Type PC Level
13 15 17
Fire <Weapon> of Burning <Weapon> of Scorching <Weapon> of Flames
Frost <Weapon> of Frost <Weapon> of Ice <Weapon> of Freezing
Shock <Weapon> of Arcing <Weapon> of Shocks <Weapon> of Thunderbolts
Magicka <Weapon> of Draining <Weapon> of Diminishing <Weapon> of Depleting
Stamina <Weapon> of Weariness <Weapon> of Torpor <Weapon> of Debilitation
Turn Undead Sanctified <Weapon> Reverent <Weapon> Hallowed <Weapon>
Fear <Weapon> of Cowardice <Weapon> of Fear <Weapon> of Despair
Soul Trap <Weapon> of Soul Snares <Weapon> of Binding <Weapon> of Animus
Absorb Health <Weapon> of Absorption <Weapon> of Consuming <Weapon> of Devouring
Absorb Magicka <Weapon> of Siphoning <Weapon> of Harrowing <Weapon> of Winnowing
Absorb Stamina <Weapon> of Gleaning <Weapon> of Reaping <Weapon> of Harvesting
Elven Type PC Level
20 22 25
Fire <Weapon> of Scorching <Weapon> of Fire <Weapon> of the Blaze
Frost <Weapon> of Ice <Weapon> of Freezing <Weapon> of Blizzards
Shock <Weapon> of Shocks <Weapon> of Thunderbolts <Weapon> of Lightning
Magicka <Weapon> of Diminishing <Weapon> of Depleting <Weapon> of Enervating
Stamina <Weapon> of Torpor <Weapon> of Debilitation <Weapon> of Lethargy
Turn Undead Reverent <Weapon> Hallowed <Weapon> Virtuous <Weapon>
Fear <Weapon> of Fear <Weapon> of Despair <Weapon> of Dread
Soul Trap <Weapon> of Binding <Weapon> of Animus <Weapon> of Malediction
Absorb Health <Weapon> of Consuming <Weapon> of Devouring <Weapon> of Leeching
Absorb Magicka <Weapon> of Harrowing <Weapon> of Winnowing <Weapon> of Evoking
Absorb Stamina <Weapon> of Reaping <Weapon> of Harvesting <Weapon> of Garnering
Paralyze <Weapon> of Stunning <Weapon> of Immobilizing
Banish <Weapon> of Banishing <Weapon> of Expelling
Glass Type PC Level
28 31 34
Fire <Weapon> of Scorching <Weapon> of Fire <Weapon> of the Blaze
Frost <Weapon> of Ice <Weapon> of Freezing <Weapon> of Blizzards
Shock <Weapon> of Shocks <Weapon> of Thunderbolts <Weapon> of Lightning
Magicka <Weapon> of Diminishing <Weapon> of Depleting <Weapon> of Enervating
Stamina <Weapon> of Torpor <Weapon> of Debilitation <Weapon> of Lethargy
Turn Undead Reverent <Weapon> Hallowed <Weapon> Virtuous <Weapon>
Fear <Weapon> of Fear <Weapon> of Despair <Weapon> of Dread
Soul Trap <Weapon> of Binding <Weapon> of Animus <Weapon> of Malediction
Absorb Health <Weapon> of Consuming <Weapon> of Devouring <Weapon> of Leeching
Absorb Magicka <Weapon> of Harrowing <Weapon> of Winnowing <Weapon> of Evoking
Absorb Stamina <Weapon> of Reaping <Weapon> of Harvesting <Weapon> of Garnering
Paralyze <Weapon> of Stunning <Weapon> of Immobilizing
Banish <Weapon> of Banishing <Weapon> of Expelling
Ebony Type PC Level
37 40 43
Fire <Weapon> of Fire <Weapon> of the Blaze <Weapon> of the Inferno
Frost <Weapon> of Freezing <Weapon> of Blizzards <Weapon> of Winter
Shock <Weapon> of Thunderbolts <Weapon> of Lightning <Weapon> of Storms
Magicka <Weapon> of Depleting <Weapon> of Enervating <Weapon> of Nullifying
Stamina <Weapon> of Debilitation <Weapon> of Lethargy <Weapon> of Exhaustion
Turn Undead Hallowed <Weapon> Virtuous <Weapon> Holy <Weapon>
Fear <Weapon> of Despair <Weapon> of Dread <Weapon> of Terror
Soul Trap <Weapon> of Animus <Weapon> of Malediction <Weapon> of Damnation
Absorb Health <Weapon> of Devouring <Weapon> of Leeching <Weapon> of the Vampire
Absorb Magicka <Weapon> of Winnowing <Weapon> of Evoking <Weapon> of Sorceror
Absorb Stamina <Weapon> of Harvesting <Weapon> of Garnering <Weapon> of Subsuming
Paralyze <Weapon> of Stunning <Weapon> of Immobilizing <Weapon> of Petrifying
Banish <Weapon> of Banishing <Weapon> of Expelling <Weapon> of Annihilating


Dwarven Automatons

Item Quantity Chance
Dwarven Spider
One of: 1 100%
Common Soul Gem
(Empty or Common, 50% each)
1 50%
Dwarven Oil 1 50%
Leveled Soul Gem (Standard) 1 15%
Leveled Ore 2 10%
Leveled Gem 1 10%
Dwarven Sphere
One of: 1 100%
Greater Soul Gem
(Empty or Greater, 50% each)
1 50%
Dwarven Oil 1 50%
Leveled Soul Gem (Standard) 2 15% each
Dwarven Scraps 2 25% each
Leveled Gem 1 25%
Dwarven BoltDG 10 75% each
Dwarven Centurion
One of: 1 100%
Centurion Dynamo Core 1 100%
Dwarven Oil 2 One at 100%, one at 50%
Grand Soul Gem
(Empty or Grand, 50% each)
1 100%
Dwarven Scraps 3 25% each
Leveled Gem 3 One at 100%, one at 25%, one at 10%
Leveled Arrows 1 75%
Leveled Arrows (Best) 1 75%
