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Skyrim:Deceiving the Herd

< Dawnguard: Quests: Volkihar Vampire Clan
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SR-qico-Dawnguard Vampires.png Frame the Dawnguard for murder.
Quest Giver: Feran Sadri
Location(s): Radiant City
Prerequisite Quest: The Bloodstone Chalice
Reward: Blood Potions, various items
Deceiving the Herd

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Speak to Feran Sadri.
  2. Read incriminating letter to determine city of victim.
  3. (Optional) Dress up as a member of the Dawnguard.
  4. (Optional) Choose a high profile victim.
  5. Kill a victim in the streets, where you can be seen.
  6. Plant the incriminating letter on the corpse.
  7. Return to Feran Sadri for your reward.

Detailed Walkthrough

When you speak to Feran Sadri, he will complain that the Dawnguard have been recruiting and give you an assignment to give them something else to worry about: "You are to make a public show of murdering someone. Do it in the streets for all to see. The higher the profile the better. Make it seem you are a member of the Dawnguard, thus sowing confusion among the herd. Wear this armor and plant this note on the victim." He will give you a set of Dawnguard armor so you can impersonate the Dawnguard more easily, as well as the note to plant on the victim's body.

Feran will choose the city for you, but you are given the option of what to wear, how to kill the victim, and which victim to kill. After killing the chosen victim, plant the letter on their corpse and return to Feran.

The following table lists only the victims which count as "high profile" for the quest.[verification needed — see talk page]

Markarth Riften Solitude Whiterun Windhelm Raven RockDB
Hogni Red-Arm
Moth gro-Bagol
Tacitus Sallustius*
Asbjorn Fire-Tamer*
Marise Aravel
Aia Arria
Evette San
Giraud Gemane
Inge Six Fingers
Pantea Ateia
Sorex Vinius*
Vivienne Onis*
Adrianne Avenicci
Carlotta Valentia
Eorlund Gray-Mane
Fralia Gray-Mane
Skulvar Sable-Hilt
Aval Atheron
Captain Lonely-Gale
Dravynea the Stoneweaver*
Galmar Stone-Fist
Hermir Strong-Heart*
Hillevi Cruel-Sea
Malthyr Elenil*
Quintus Navale*
Fethis Alor
Garyn Ienth
Milore Ienth
  NPC must be lured outside; see notes.
  Unofficial Skyrim Patch only.
*  Only if the person has taken over duties as a merchant.


  • Feran refers to high profile victims as "...an important member of society. Someone attached to the Jarl's court, a merchant, a bard, a priest, someone with stature." However, some of those mentioned will not count toward the high profile option, so be sure to save beforehand if you want to make sure you get the benefits of this.
  • A killing in this quest only counts if the target is "on the streets". NPCs that never leave a building won't count unless you can coax them outside, such as by making them hostile and then stepping outside for them to follow.
  • You must be seen making the kill in Dawnguard armor; stealth kills or kills with no one else around don't count.
  • Killing any NPC while seen in the streets will progress the quest, even a guard or a randomly spawned vampire. The "high-profile victim" objective will fail, but the quest as a whole will be completed successfully as long as you plant the letter.
  • You can avoid the bounty if sent to Windhelm by choosing to kill Calixto Corrium in conjunction with solving the Blood on the Ice murders. Doing it this way concludes the investigation as well as completes this quest, but it counts neither as public nor as high profile murder.
  • Wearing any Dawnguard armor satisfies the quests requirements—it is not necessary to use the armor given by Feran.
  • Reanimating a high profile target and killing it (again) within the required city will satisfy the optional objective.
  • Reanimating Cicero (Using Dead Thrall), taking him to the required city, and killing him will satisfy the high profile target objective.


  • Some high profile targets will not register as such when killed because they may be in a quest alias that gets swapped out for a replacement NPC before the game has a chance to update the quest.
  • Even without accepting this quest, the objective "Plant letter on <Alias=Victim>'s corpse" may appear in your journal after you kill someone from a city.
  • You may not be able to plant the Incriminating Letter on the corpse, instead receiving a message saying "Quest items cannot be removed from your inventory".
    • PC Only This bug is fixed by version 1.1.1 of the Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.
    • Reloading a save from before entering the city should fix this.
    • Read Incriminating Letter to determine city of victim.
    • Wait for quest messages to appear before planting letter.
  • Quest may not update if you use the Ebony Blade to kill a target with a high disposition towards you.

Quest Stages

{{ Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|!|Deceiving the Herd|DLC1RV03}}

{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=10|2=|3=Feran Sadri wishes to sow confusion and anger amongst the people of <Alias=City>. I am to kill a citizen out in the streets while impersonating a member of the Dawnguard. Then I am to place an incriminating letter on the corpse. The higher the profile of my victim the better.

Objective 111: (Optional) Choose a high profile victim
Objective 110: (Optional) Make it a public kill while wearing Dawnguard armor
Objective 100: Kill someone out in the streets of <Alias=City>


Objective 200: Plant letter on <Alias=Victim>'s corpse

}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=|3=(After planting the letter on the victim)

Objective 220: Return to Feran Sadri


Stage Finishes Quest Journal Entry
  • The following empty quest stages were omitted from the table: 1, 100, 101, 110, 111, 220.
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