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Skyrim:Absorb Magicka

< Magic: Magical Effects
SR-icon-spell-Absorb.png Absorb Magicka
School Destruction
Type Offensive
ID 000aa156
Base Cost 21
Items Weapons
(Click on any item for details)

Enchanting description: Absorb <mag> points of magicka.

Absorb Magicka (a.k.a. Drain Magicka) transfers <mag> points of Magicka from the target to the person wielding the weapon. On the target, the effect is comparable to Damage Magicka; on the attacker, the effect is comparable to Restore Magicka. Spell Absorption is similar to Absorb Magicka, in that your magicka can be increased at the expense of your enemy, but is a passive effect rather than an active effect.

Two versions of Absorb Magicka are actually available for enchanting. The stats above are for the most common version of the effect. A second version is only available from one item: the Drainspell Bow. The bow can be disenchanted, meaning that its effect can be used for custom enchantments. The stats for this second version of the effect are:

  • ID: 0010f221
  • Cost: 1.2


The following items use this effect. You can learn how to enchant custom items with Absorb Magicka if you find one of the following items and disenchant it:

Artifacts and unique items that use the effect but cannot be disenchanted include:


  • In Skyrim, there appears to be no distinction between "Drain Magicka" and "Absorb Magicka".


  • The name of the enchanting effect appears to be mistakenly set to "Drain Magicka" instead of "Absorb Magicka", even though the description and editor ID both identify it as "Absorb".

See Also