Shivering:Unresolved Minor Issues
Several issues not addressed by the Official or Unofficial Patches still persist in the Shivering Isles. Such issues are not significant enough to be considered glitches; that is, these issues do not affect playability and are unlikely to be noticed by the majority of players. But they are noteworthy in that many of them mirror issues that are fixed by the Unofficial Patches, or are clear cases where Bethesda Softworks made mistakes.
For a similar list of minor issues in Oblivion, look here.
Weapon Issues
Missing Weapons
- Bow of Soul Chill. Shivering Isles adds numerous ...of Soul weapons with Soul Trap and elemental damage enchantments. Eight ...of Soul weapons exist of each major weapon type, except the Bows, which is missing this weapon.
- Longsword of Numbing. The weapon list used by bosses in the quest Ghosts of Vitharn contains every common longsword with Frost Damage enchantments except this one.
Weapon Erroneous Additions
- Longsword of Jolts. The weapon list used by bosses in the quest Ghosts of Vitharn contains every common longsword with Frost Damage enchantments except the Steel version. This weapon was included by mistake instead.
- Mace of Fire. This weapon appears twice on the leveled list that determines enchanted glass weapon loot.
Weapon Leveled List Issues
- Knights of Order weapon list. The leveled list that determines each Knight of Order's weapon has three bad entries. The list erroneously equips the Knights with the Sterile Order Sword at levels 4-5, the Primal Order Sword at levels 6-8, and the Simple Order Sword at level 9-11. Knights instead should be equipped with the Simple, Sterile, and Primal Order Swords in that order.
Attribute Issues
- Dark Arrows and Golden Arrows. These arrows, used by the Dark Seducers and Golden Saints involved in the quest Retaking the Fringe, are identical to Repulsive Dark Arrows and Tarnished Golden Arrows found elsewhere in the Shivering Isles, except in name and weight.
- Crude Madness Arrows and Brittle Madness Arrows. These arrows, present in the Construction Set but not in-game, are identical except in name to Impure Madness Arrows and Unpolished Madness Arrows respectively.
- Fine Madness Claymore. The enchanted version of this weapon does 23 damage, more than the unenchanted version (at 21 points) and the same as the Very Fine Madness Claymore.
- Golden War Axe. This weapon does the same damage (8 points) as the Worn Golden War Axe, which is atypical for Golden Saint weapons.
- Dark Shortsword. This weapon does less damage (7 points) than the Worn Dark Shortsword (9 points), which is atypical for Dark Seducer weapons.
- Perfect Amber Sword, Perfect Amber Mace, Perfect Madness Claymore, Perfect Madness Longsword, Perfect Madness Axe. Amber and Madness weapon health is determined by the health of stock Oblivion weapons. For example, Impure Amber and Madness weapons have health values halfway between those of Iron and Steel, Unpolished Amber and Madness weapons are halfway between Steel and Silver, etc. These values are always rounded to the nearest five points. The only exceptions are the aforementioned weapons, whose health values are five points too low to conform to this pattern.
- Durable Weapons. Most Durable weapons added by Shivering Isles have twice as much health as their mundane counterparts, rounded to the nearest 25 points. The only exceptions are the Durable Iron Longsword (300/275), Durable Iron Mace (300/275), and Durable Elven Battle Axe (900/875), which all have 25 points too much health; and the Durable Iron Claymore (225/325), Durable Silver Claymore (525/575), and Durable Daedric Warhammer (1550/1575), which are each missing between 25 and 100 points of health.
- Dagger of Soul Embers. As with the Dagger of Embers in Oblivion, the Dagger of Soul Embers has more than 5x the health it should have (360 points, instead of the 70 points of most Iron Daggers).
- Golden Waraxe, Dark Shortsword. Both of these weapons have less health than their Worn counterparts.
- Durable Silver Claymore, Claymore of Soul Chill. As with the Silver Claymore and its derivatives in Oblivion, the Durable Silver Claymore and Claymore of Soul Chill both weigh 38 pounds, rather than the expected 32 pounds - which means they weigh the same as the Dwarven Claymore.
- Impure Madness Claymore, Unpolished Madness Claymore, Lesser Madness Claymore. In general, Oblivion claymores increase 6 pounds in weight with each increase in material quality; Madness Weapon weights fall halfway in between. (For example, the Dwarven Claymore weighs 38 pounds, Madness Claymore 41 pounds, Elven Claymore 44 pounds, Fine Madness Claymore 47 pounds, etc.) The Impure, Unpolished, and Lesser Madness Claymores do not conform to this pattern, likely because Bethesda mistakenly set the Silver Claymore and Dwarven Claymore at the same weight, making it impossible to correctly derive the various lower-level Madness Claymore weights.
- Battle Axe of Soul Sparks, Durable Steel Battle Axe. Battle Axes generally increase in weight seven pounds with each increase in material quality. But, at 35 pounds rather than 34, these two weapons weigh one pound too much to conform to that pattern.
- Shadowrend (level 30 claymore version). At 52 pounds, this weapon weighs less than its battle axe counterpart (54 pounds), and the same as the level 25 claymore version.
- Sword of Jyggalag. The level 1 and level 6 versions of this weapon weigh the same (35 pounds), which is highly unusual for leveled weapons. In fact, the weights of all versions of this weapon do not conform to any pattern, while the health, gold, and damage values do.
- Golden Waraxe, Dark Shortsword. Both of these weapons weigh the same as, or less than, their Worn counterparts.
- Crude Grummite Cudgel. This weapon weighs less than the Grummite Cudgel, but the Crude Grummite Cleaver weighs more than the Grummite Cleaver.
- Dark Arrows and Golden Arrows. These arrows, used by the Dark Seducers and Golden Saints involved in the quest Retaking the Fringe, are identical to Repulsive Dark Arrows and Tarnished Golden Arrows found elsewhere in the Shivering Isles, except in name and weight.
Gold Values
- Perfect Amber and Perfect Madness weapons and ammunition. All basic Iron, Steel, Silver, Dwarven, Elven, Glass, Ebony, and Daedric weapons use an exponential formula, based on Damage and weapon type, to determine gold value. Amber and Madness weapon values are halfway between each set: Impure Amber and Impure Madness are between the Iron and Steel set in value, Unpolished Amber and Unpolished Madness between Steel and Silver, etc. The only exceptions are the Perfect Amber and Perfect Madness sets, which on average are about 6% too low in value to conform to this pattern.
- Amber and Madness Arrows. While the plain unenchanted Madness Arrow is worth 6 gold, the enchanted version, and both versions of the plain Amber Arrow, are worth 65 gold - significantly more than all other Amber or Madness Arrows.
- Unpolished Amber Mace. Both versions of this mace have a base value of 85 gold, but should be 55 gold (as most Unpolished Amber weapons fall halfway between Steel and Silver in value).
- Unpolished Madness Longsword. Both versions of this longsword have a base value of 65 gold, but should be 85 gold (as most Unpolished Amber weapons fall halfway between Steel and Silver in value). This would also give the weapons the same value as their Amber counterparts.
- Lesser Madness Longsword. Both versions of this longsword have a base value of 140 gold, but should be 165 gold (as most Lesser Madness weapons fall halfway between Silver and Dwarven in value). This would also give the weapons the same value as their Amber counterparts.
- Dawnfang Superior. At 3250 gold, the level 20-24 version is worth significantly more than the level 20 Dawnfang, Duskfang, and Duskfang Superior (1800 gold), which is atypical for this weapon set.
- Shadowrend. The level 15 Battle Axe version of this weapon is worth one tenth the gold (220) of the level 15 Claymore version (2200 gold), and significantly less than the level 10 versions (500 gold).
- Longsword of Soul Chill. Virtually all Silver longswords have a base value of 125 gold, but this one has a base value of only 80 gold.
- Durable Iron Bow. Most Durable weapons are worth 20% more than their mundane counterparts, but this weapon is worth the same (11 gold) as the Iron Bow.
- Dark Shortsword. At 10 gold, this weapon is worth significantly less than the Worn Dark Shortsword (25 gold).
- Worn Dark Waraxe. At 1120 gold, this weapon is worth more than triple the Dark Waraxe (352 gold), and significantly more than any other Dark Seducer weapon.
- Golden Waraxe. At 13 gold, this weapon is worth the same as the Worn Golden Waraxe, and significantly less than the Dark version.
Magic Enchantments
- War Axe of Soul Sparks. This weapon has a Shock Damage 10 pts enchantment, rather than the Shock Damage 5 pts enchantment present on all other ...of Soul Spark weapons.
Magic Charges
- Crystal Staves, used by Priests of Order. The level 6 version of this staff has the same charge (1400) as the level 8 version, which is atypical for leveled weapons.
- Duskfang Superior. Usually, the Dawnfang Superior and Duskfang Superior have roughly the same number of uses before their magic charges are exhausted. The exception is the level 1 Duskfang Superior, which only has 50 uses compared to the level 1 Dawnfang Superior's 55 uses.
- Durable Elven War Axe, War Axe of Soul Voltage. Most war axes have a speed of 1.1 hits per second. These two weapons instead have a speed of 0.9 hits per second.
- Durable Elven War Axe, War Axe of Soul Voltage. Most war axes have a reach of 0.8. These two weapons instead have a reach of 1.1.
- Crude Grummite Cudgel. The Grummite Cudgel, and most maces, have a reach of 1.0. This weapon has a reach of 0.8 instead.