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Shivering:The Museum of Oddities

< Quests

SI-qico-General1.png Una Armina wants you to find "Oddities" for her museum.
Quest Giver: Una Armina at the Museum of Oddities
Location(s): The Museum of Oddities in Crucible.
Reward: Variable Amount of Gold Depending on Item Donated (Total 2630)
ID: SE38
A filled museum

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Talk to Una Armina in the Museum of Oddities about oddities.
  2. Find the twelve oddities listed below.
  3. Bring them back to her.

Detailed Walkthrough

Starting the Quest

Go to the Museum of Oddities in Crucible and talk to the curator, Una Armina. She wants you to collect twelve "Oddities" and bring them back for a finder's fee. She will display them in special cases and you can return to gander at them or 'Take a Tour' of the museum with her, where she will explain what the item is. The items do not have to be obtained in any specific order.

You will be notified when you have found one of the oddities.

Finding the Artifacts

Item Where Found
(see specific articles for details)
Uses/Effects Finder's Fee
Fixed Locations
Blind Watcher's Eye Knotbone Chamber
Knotty Bramble, Lost Crypt zone
Milchar, Nexus zone
Alchemy ingredient, same effects as standard Watcher's Eye. 200
Deformed Swamp Tentacle SI exterior cell (-11, -16) (map), near Pinnacle Rock
SI exterior cell (-8, -2) (map), immediately south from outside the Gates of Madness, growing from the wall surrounding the Fringe
SI exterior cell (-8, -3) (map), right next to the previous one
SI exterior cell (-7, -16) (map), near Lost Time Camp
SI exterior cell (-15, -2) (map), just west of the Door to Cyrodiil, outside the Fringe's wall
Alchemy ingredient, different effects from standard Swamp Tentacle. 180
Din's Ashes Ebrocca Crematorium 200
Mute Screaming Maw Corpserot Prison
Cann, Arena zone
Dunroot Burrow, Bramble Halls zone
Alchemy ingredient, same effects as standard Screaming Maw 200
Pelvis of Pelagius The Howling Halls, Congregation Chambers, in a locked glass display case. (Cannot be reached before the Symbols of Office quest.) 250
Random Locations
Dagger of Friendship Containers. Grummite Dagger - Restore Health 10 pts on Strike. 300
Hound's Tooth Key Containers. Acts like a key, but doesn't unlock anything. 200
Mixing Bowl Containers. Acts like an apprentice level mortar and pestle. 250
Ring of Disrobing Containers. Removes all of the equipment the player is wearing. 0/235*
Sheogorath-Shaped Amber Amber limbs or stumps. Rotten Den, Swampgas Hole, Milchar or Knotbone Juncture are good places to look. 300
Soul Tomato Containers. Acts like a grand soul gem. 350
Two-Headed Septim Containers. 150

* See Bugs section.

Collecting Your Fees

Return to the museum and speak again with Una Armina about 'Oddities' to get your reward. She will only accept and pay the Finders Fee for one of each object, though.


  • Check the wares list of Dumag gro-Bonk in The Missing Pauldron, sometimes The Soul Tomato, Two-Headed Coin, Mixing Bowl, Hound's Tooth Key, Ring of Disrobing and Dagger of Friendship can be found on it
  • When looking for The Deformed Swamp Tentacles and Mute Screaming Maws, they are both labeled as such before you pick them up, and so there's no need to search through the normal versions of these plants when you're looking for the oddity. The Blind Watcher's Eye plant, however, is just called a Watcher's Eye.
  • While many of these items can be found randomly in chests, urns, coffins, tree stumps, and on defeated enemies, the chance of finding one of these items is small (1-2% chance), although multiples of these items can be obtained.
  • Una will not accept duplicates of items she already has, and so you cannot give or sell to her any multiples you may have.
  • Finding the random-container-oddities can be very tedious. Since you are not guaranteed to find a new oddity every time you come across one, do not be surprised if it takes multiple hours to find all of them.
  • Common places to find the random items are Rotten Den, The Howling Halls, Ebrocca, Dire Warren and Milchar. The large clusters of coffins in Rotten Den and Ebrocca are especially good places to search, since each individual coffin has a chance of containing an oddity.


  • Una will also accept stolen oddities, including the three original oddities in the Museum: the Ring of Desiccation, the Pygmy Skull and the Gatekeeper's Arm.
  • All of these items, or the ones she already has in the museum, can be stolen back from the museum and "re-donated" although you don't get any extra money for it.
  • After stealing back your oddities, feel free to ask Una for a museum tour. She will then proceed to blunder around the now empty museum, wondering aloud where everything has gone, saying that "things have a way of disappearing around here" along the way. Sometimes she will make multiple circuits of the museum.
  • The Ring of Desiccation may also be given to Una at the museum if you reacquire it from Ahjazda after The Coming Storm quest, but you will not be paid for it.
  • Una comments that she would like one of Ushnar's old dogs, however even though you receive one from Ushnar after completing his quest, she does not offer to take it from you.
  • The Ring of Disrobing is not marked as a quest item and does not have any enchantment attached to it - therefore, you are able to enchant it yourself, eradicating the script attached to the ring and making it no longer acceptable by Una.
  • If you donate the Sheogorath Shaped Amber after finishing the main Shivering Isles quest, Una will talk about how it looks just like you.
  • If you go on the museum tour, she will have different dialogue about it. "And now one of my favorite items. A lump of amber, in the shape of your head My Lord! And a very popular item, if I may be so bold."


  • If you have stolen any of the original three Oddities in the museum (Ring of Desiccation, Pygmy Skull and/or Gatekeeper's Arm) and not given them back, or given them back but Una Armina has not yet placed them back in the museum, do not ask for a tour of the museum. Doing so will cause a bug: if she has one of the items, she will never place it back in its proper location; if you haven't returned an item, you will never be able to do so (it will no longer appear in dialog as an Oddity that can be given back). This can interfere with The Coming Storm quest if you need the Ring of Desiccation and it's stuck in Una's inventory.
To fix the Pygmy Skull: set SE38.ItemA to 2
To fix the Gatekeeper's Arm: set SE38.ItemB to 2
To fix the Ring of Desiccation: set SE38.ItemC to 2
and Una should then place the object properly.
  • The Ring of Disrobing is the only oddity for which Una does not give you a gold reward. This seems to be a minor programming oversight.
  • None of the found oddities whose names indicate different appearances actually look different. (the "two-headed" Septim, "deformed" swamp tentacle, hound's tooth "key" and "Sheogorath-shaped" amber all appear exactly the same as their normal counterparts).
  • Sheogorath-Shaped Amber appears randomly and only in non-respawning containers. If you are unlucky, you may never find it and thus be unable to complete the quest.
  • You can steal the Oddities standing in front of Una's eyes and she will never call the guards or consider it as a crime. This is caused by a script attached to Oddities - when you activate them, it causes the script to give you a copy of this Oddity and disable the one you've just activated, so you don't actually pick them up. ?
  • Occasionally, when giving a tour to Ushnar, Una will say that every last item has been stolen even though they haven't been and are in their correct locations.

Journal Entries

{{ Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|!|The Museum of Oddities|SE38}}

{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=5|2=|3=}}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=10|2=|3=Una Armina, the proprietor of the Museum of Oddities in Crucible, told me that she is always looking for new exhibits for her museum. If I find anything "odd," I should bring it to her. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=20|2=|3=Una Armina was pleased with the "blind" Watcher's Eye that I brought for her museum. I should bring her any new Oddities that I find. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=21|2=|3=Una Armina paid me for the deformed Swamp Tentacle that I brought for her museum. I should bring her any new Oddities that I find. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=22|2=|3=Una Armina was pleased with the Sheogorath-shaped lump of amber that I brought for her museum. I should bring her any new Oddities that I find. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=23|2=|3=Una Armina was very happy with the Pelvis of Pelagius. I should bring her any new oddities I find. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=24|2=|3=Una Armina was happy to add Din's Ashes as an exhibit in her Museum of Oddities. I should bring her any new Oddities that I find. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=25|2=|3=I brought Una Armina a Two-Headed Septim I found, and she was happy to add it to her museum. I should bring her any new Oddities that I find. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=26|2=|3=Una Armina was pleased with the "soul tomato" I brought for her Museum of Oddities. I should bring her any new Oddities that I find. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=27|2=|3=Una Armina was pleased with the unusual Mixing Bowl I brought her. I should bring her any new Oddities that I find. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=28|2=|3=Una Armina was pleased with the Hound's Tooth Key I brought for her museum. I should bring her any new Oddities that I find. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=29|2=|3=Una Armina was happy to add my Dagger of Friendship as an exhibit in her Museum of Oddities. I should bring her any new Oddities that I find. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=30|2=|3=I brought Una Armina the Ring of Disrobing I found. She was pleased with it, and asked me to bring her any new Oddities I find. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=31|2=|3=Una Armina was pleased with the Mute Screaming Maw that I brought for her museum. I should bring her any new Oddities that I find. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=50|2=|3=I found a Blind Watcher's Eye. This might be something Una Armina would want for the Museum of Oddities. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=51|2=|3=I found a Deformed Swamp Tentacle. This might be something Una Armina would want for the Museum of Oddities. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=52|2=|3=I found a lump of Amber that looks vaguely like Sheogorath. This might be something Una Armina would want for the Museum of Oddities. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=53|2=|3=I've found an ancient pelvic bone with a small inscription that reads "Pelagius III, 3rd Sun's Dawn." This might be something Una Armina would want for the Museum of Oddities. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=54|2=|3=I found the ashes of someone named Din in an urn deep in the ruins of Ebrocca. This might be something Una Armina would want for the Museum of Oddities. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=55|2=|3=I've found an unusual two-headed septim coin. This might be something Una Armina would want for the Museum of Oddities. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=56|2=|3=I've found a tomato which seems to act as a soul gem. This might be something Una Armina would want for the Museum of Oddities. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=57|2=|3=I've found an unusual alchemical Mixing Bowl. This might be something Una Armina would want for the Museum of Oddities. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=58|2=|3=I've found an unusual key made out of a Hound's Tooth. This might be something Una Armina would want for the Museum of Oddities. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=59|2=|3=I've found a Dagger of Friendship, which seems to heal anyone it strikes. This might be something Una Armina would want for the Museum of Oddities. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=60|2=|3=I've found a Ring of Disrobing. which forces anyone wearing it to remove all their clothes. This might be something Una Armina would want for the Museum of Oddities. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=61|2=|3=I've found a Mute Screaming Maw, which seems like something Una Armina might want to display at her Museum of Oddities. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=190|2=fin|3=Una Armina is dead. There's no point in looking for any more exhibits for her Museum of Oddities. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=200|2=fin|3=I've found all the interesting items for which Una Armina was searching. }}

Stage Finishes Quest Journal Entry
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in random order.
  • If an entry is marked as "Finishes Quest" it means the quest disappears from the Active Quest list, but you may still receive new entries for that quest.
  • Ficheiro:Pc22.png It is possible to use the console to advance through the quest by entering setstage SE38 stage, where stage is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) quest stages. See SetStage for more information.