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Shivering:Ruin's Edge

< Items: Weapons
Item: Ruin's Edge ()
Type Bow
Editor ID SE05Bow
Damage Damage 12
Damage Damage 12 Health Health 300
Speed 1
Speed 1 Reach 1
Weight Weight 10 Value Value 662
Charge/Cost = Uses 400/5 = 80
Ruin's Edge

Ruin's Edge is a unique dark bow given to you by the Duchess of Dementia during the main quest. It has the same statistics as a regular dark bow but it additionally casts a random spell on strike. The possible effects (and the probability of each being cast) are:

  • 1% chance: Ruin's Paralysis, Paralyze for 15 secs
  • 9% chance: Ruin's Paralysis, Paralyze for 1 sec
  • 10% chance: Ruin's Silence, Silence for 20 secs
  • 20% chance: Ruin's Fear, Demoralize all levels (magnitude=100) for 20 secs
  • 30% chance: Ruin's Fury, Frenzy all levels (magnitude=200) for 30 secs
  • 30% chance: Ruin's Burden, Burden 100pts for 20 secs

Related Quests


  • Script notes in the Construction Set imply that Ruin's Edge might have originally been intended to be a dagger.


Name Weight Health Value Damage Enchantment Charge/Cost=Uses
Ruin's Edge
10 300 662 12 Random Magic Effect on Strike 400/5=80