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Few Services exist in Shadowkey: there are only three trainers and eight merchants.


Trainers in Shadowkey do not improve the attributes of their pupils, but rather the Class-specific talents they possess.

Name Location Trains
Eranthos Mages' Guild, Dragonstar West Battlemages, Spellswords and Sorcerers
Giradda Fighters' Guild, Dragonstar East Barbarians, Knights and Rogues
Scythe Thieves' Guild, Dragonstar East Assassins, Nightblades and Thieves


Name Location Products
(armor merchant) Dragonstar West Armor
(black marketeer) Dragonstar East Armor, Consumables, Spells, Weapons
(consumables merchant) Dragonstar West Consumables
Egrien Stout Stout's Trading Post Armor, Consumables, Weapons
Eranthos Snowline Spells
Gravel Trothgar Azra's Crossing Armor, Consumables, Weapons
(weapons merchant) Dragonstar West Weapons
Wendek Freetalker Snowline Armor, Consumables, Weapons