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Shadowkey:Crypt of Hearts I

< Places

Torch passed, a new hero embarks on the final journey.

Ahead, death cheated three times awaits final release.

Destiny's path leads here, for one chance, a true chance...

...to repulse the twisted forces of shadow.
Entrance to the Crypt of Hearts
One of the Shadow Traps

Crypt of Hearts I is the first of three levels to the crypt. It is accessed from Stout's Trading Post and leads to Crypt of Hearts II. The area is inhabited with almost every type of enemy in the game.

The southwest part of the level contains many coffins and sarcophagi, which can be opened - potentially revealing treasure. The trouble is that their inhabitants will not be very happy and will rise to attack you.

Also found in the southwest is the last of the Crypt Caretakers, who has a job for you. He will also tell you that the area's Shadow Gate is somewhat unusual. No shadowkey is to be found in Crypt of Hearts I: instead, three other keys will open the gate. According to the caretaker, "lower keys produce lighter armor, higher keys heavier armor". Each key has a "value" as follows:

  1. Delfran's Shadowkey
  2. Spider's Shadowkey
  3. Twilight Shadowkey
  4. Goblin's Shadowkey
  5. Eglar's Shadowkey
  6. Tanyin's Shadowkey
  7. Porliss' Shadowkey
  8. Duvais' Shadowkey
  9. Lakvan's Shadowkey
  10. Perosius' Shadowkey
  11. Chieftain's Shadowkey

Add the values of your keys together to determine your reward - the strongest possible chest armor in its weight class.

Total Reward Weight
6-13 Shadowweave Light
14-25 Shadowring Medium
26-30 Shadowplate Heavy

In addition to that, the only magic shield, Vajuras' Shield, can be found in the zone.

Crypt Caretaker

Related Quests


Map of Crypt of Hearts I
  1. Exit to Stout's Trading Post
  2. Stairs to Crypt of Hearts II
  3. Vajuras' Shield
  4. Shadow Traps
  5. Shade War Axe
  6. Shadow Gate
  7. Crypt Caretaker


The Crypt of Hearts was featured in Arena.