This page contains those hints and tips which are closer to being 'illegal' than the rest. See also the Redguard Hints/Tips page which may contain those hints which are not considered cheating.
Skip the Scarab Puzzle
It's possible to beat the scarab puzzle without doing it. There is a bug in the game Redguard, the Elder Scrolls, where if you jump from the ledge to the side of scarab door, you can climb up onto the top of the walls that line the stairway to the scarab door. Once on top of the wall, you can walk above the level and outside of it. Next you jump over the door and into the passageway behind. It will go into the next level. Careful, or you will fall off into the endless dark. This mistake will actually let you roam outside of the level.
Free Items Cheat
Use this cheat to give yourself just about any item in the game. Hit F12 to bring down the developer's console screen and then type:
item add, #
The # corresponds to an item number as follows.