Placing this template on the top of a page will list that page on Category:Speedy Deletion and Category:Marked for Deletion. For more information, see UESPWiki:Speedy Deletion.
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Parâmetero | Escopo | Descrição |
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optional | Reason page should be deleted. |
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optional | If a value is passed for this parameter, the page will not be categorized. This will normally only be used for documentation purposes. |
{{Speedydeletion|Page no longer required, content moved to [[Oblivion:Oblivion]].}}
This article may meet the criteria for speedy deletion because of the following concern:
If you agree with the request for deletion, there is no need to take any further action. If this article does not meet the criteria for speedy deletion, or you intend to fix it so that it meets our standards, please remove this notice from the article and explain why you contest the deletion on your edit summary and on this article's talk page. Administrators, don't forget to check the page history (last edit), what links here, the abuse filter log, and the external links before deletion. This page was last modified on 2016/01/19. |