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< Predefinição:Merc


This template is used for formatting the Mercantile values for Merchants. It will automatically format the color and give a rank based on the value, and place the Merchant page into the relevant category. The values depend on which game the NPC is in. They are:

Morrowind (and expansions) Oblivion (and expansions)
0 Creature
1-14 Novice 0-24 Novice
15-29 Apprentice 25-49 Apprentice
30-44 Journeyman 50-74 Journeyman
45-59 Expert 75-99 Expert
60-100 Master 100 Master


Parâmetero Escopo Descrição
1 or
required Mercantile value. This must be a number between 0 and 100. Other values will be displayed unaltered.
2 or
optional Set to any value to omit the category declaration. Categories will always be omitted in User and Template space.


Apprentice (30)
Added to Oblivion-Merchants-Apprentice category on an Oblivion article.
Apprentice (30)
Not added to category.