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Stamina is your character's physical energy, and is used to perform various basic combat actions, such as light and heavy attacks, blocking, dodging, and stealth. If your stamina is completely depleted, you will be unable to perform these strenuous activities. Unlike magicka, your character can perform any action that has a stamina cost as long as it has at least one point of stamina available. Stamina is comparable to "Fatigue" in earlier Elder Scrolls games.

Increasing Stamina

The amount of stamina you have depends on your character's level. Each time you level up, you can choose to add ten points to your stamina, or to another attribute. 5. You can temporarily fortify your stamina using magical effects as detailed here.

Bosmer, Dunmer, Imperials, Redguards, and Orcs have more maximum Stamina than other races and Bosmer and Redguards have faster stamina recovery.

Restoring Stamina

The green bar in the bottom right of the screen shows you the current status of your stamina (although this bar will be invisible when stamina is full). Stamina can be restored in several ways:

  • Stamina regenerates whenever you are not doing an action that uses stamina. You regenerate faster outside of combat than inside of combat.
  • Restore Stamina effects are available in various forms:
  • Whenever your character levels up, your stamina, health, and magicka are fully restored.


  • When your stamina reaches zero, the stamina bar will flash green. It will never take more than 5 seconds before it starts to refill again.