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Online:Shock to the System

< Quests: Malabal Tor / Side Quests

ON-qico-Normal.png Turn to page 23 and save the catatonic Argonian.
Zone: Malabal Tor
Quest Giver: Yinz-Hei's Soggy Journal
Location(s): East of Bloodtoil Valley
Reward: Sword of Sizzling
243 Gold, Silver(?) Gold, Gold(?) Gold
Recommended Level: 35
"If you see an Argonian enveloped in lightning, please turn to page 23."

While exploring along the river, I found an Argonian enveloped in lightning. I found a journal nearby his body. It contained instructions on how to help him.

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Read the Soggy Journal.
  2. Find the camp.
  3. Find a thunderbug.
  4. Return to the Argonian.

Detailed Walkthrough

Quest Stages

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Objective: Find the Argonian's Camp


Objective: Look for Instructions on the Alchemist Table


Objective: Take Control of a Thunderbug


Hidden Objective: Find the Argonian


Objective: Bring the Thunderbug to the Argonian


Objective: Talk to the Argonian


Finishes Quest Journal Entry
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