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Online:Northpoint in Peril

< Quests: Daggerfall Covenant / Rivenspire

ON-qico-Normal.png Help House Dorell find a way into their own city.
Zone: Rivenspire
Faction: Daggerfall Covenant
Objective: Required for Cadwell's Almanac Northpoint — Infiltrate the besieged city of Northpoint and set it free.
Quest Giver: Count Verandis Ravenwatch at Lorkrata Hills;
Baron Alard Dorell south of Northpoint;
Skordo the Knife in an Abandoned Farm House;
Mollier Guillon near the Staging Grounds Wayshrine
Location(s): Northpoint, Dorell Farmhouse, Lagra's Pearl
Prerequisite Quest: The Concealing Veil
Next Quest: The Liberation of Northpoint
Reward: House Dorell Greaves
273 Gold, Silver(?) Gold, Gold377 Gold
Recommended Level: 29
The heroes are prepared to take the city

Lleraya Montclair and her forces have taken control of Northpoint. They've sealed the gates and locked out the legitimate city guards. But Baron Dorell has a plan to liberate Northpoint. It just requires a small group willing to infiltrate the city.

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Talk to Baron Alard Dorell near Northpoint.
  2. Locate Skordo the Knife.
  3. Find Darien Gautier.
  4. Find out how to get into the Smugglers' Tunnel.
  5. Talk to Gwendis.

Detailed Walkthrough

Quest Stages

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Objective: Talk to Baron Dorell at Northpoint


Objective: Find Skordo in Northpoint


Hidden Objective: Search for Darien


Objective: A Command Post Overlooks the Eastern Shore


Objective: Darien was Seen Heading to the Officers' Quarters


Objective: Find Darien Gautier


Objective: Talk to Darien Gautier


Objective: Talk to Gwendis


Hidden Objective: Search Coast for Clues to the Smuggler Tunnels


Objective: Find the Sunken Ship


Objective: Search the Sunken Ship


Objective: Search Coast for Clues to the Smugglers' Tunnel


Objective: Talk to Captain Lagra


Objective: Go to the Cove


Finishes Quest Journal Entry
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