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Online:Last One Standing

< Quests: Shadowfen / Side Quests
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ON-qico-Normal.png Put an end to the Khajiiti upstart threatening the Argonian captain.
Zone: Shadowfen
Objective: Alten Corimont — Investigate the Dominion's influence in Alten Corimont.
Quest Giver: One-Eye
Location(s): Alten Corimont
Prerequisite Quest: Warm Welcome
Next Quest: A Pirate Parley
Reward: 208 Gold, Silver302 Gold, Gold(?) Gold
XP Gain: 1837 XP, Silver4560 VP, Gold(?) VP
Recommended Level: 26

One-Eye wants to get rid of Tsanji, the Khajiit in Alten Corimont. Since the Khajiit is running Dominion supply lines, her sudden demise would benefit both One-Eye and the rest of Shadowfen.

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Talk to One-Eye in the captain's quarters of the Blasted Breton.
  2. Question the three pirates on the Alten Corimont docks.
  3. Enter Tsanji's Hideout and find Tsanji.
  4. Talk to S'jash.

Detailed Walkthrough

Quest Stages

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