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Online:Flesh Atronach

< Creatures
Flesh Atronach
(lore page)
Location Varies
Species Flesh Atronach Soul Varies
Level Varies Health Varies
Flesh Atronach
Old Flesh Atronach model

Flesh Atronachs are a type of Daedra made of stitched skin and muscle. They are often summoned by necromancers to aid them in battle.

Flesh Atronachs originally used a different model, with a smaller head and more clearly defined neck. This variant has been mostly replaced, although the old model can still be seen in places.[verification needed]

The Flesh Colossus is a larger type of atronach found in the Imperial CityCrown Store.

Skills and Abilities

As they are considered undead/Daedric creatures, flesh atronachs are especially vulnerable to Fighters Guild abilities.


A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.


A melee attack that does moderate physical damage.

Unyielding Mace

The atronach slams its fist on the player, doing moderate physical damage over time as well as stunning the player. This attack can be blocked to set the enemy off balance.

Fire Brand

The atronach swings its torch?, doing moderate flame damage to all players as indicated by a red cone.

Unique Flesh Atronachs


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