The Drublog are a clan of Wood Orcs in Malabal Tor. For many years they lived peacefully near the Bosmer, but recently they have become aggressive and started attacking cities and towns.
- Bloodtoil Valley — A small town in central Malabal Tor, north of the Grahtwood gate. (map)
- Dra'bul — A Wood Orc camp in central Malabal Tor, west of Vulkwasten. (map)
- Jathsogur — A ruin in southern Malabal Tor, northeast of the Grahtwood gate. (map)
- House and Home: Save the villagers from the Drublog.
- One Fell Swoop: Stop the Velyn Harbor invaders.
- The Drublog of Dra'bul: Meet the Green Lady in Dra'bul.
- Reap What Is Sown: Investigate the Drublog.
- The Hound's Plan: Search the Xylo River Basin and try to uncover the Hound's intentions.
- The Prisoner of Jathsogur: Free the Silvenar from the Drublog ritual.
- Payment In Kind: Try to prevent further bloodshed between Bosmer and Drublog.
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