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Online:Dreams to Nightmares

< Quests: Stormhaven / Side Quests

ON-qico-Normal.png Make use of transliminal metaphysics to uncover the Supernal Dreamers' plot at Moonlit Maw.
Zone: Stormhaven
Objective: Moonlit Maw — Uncover and thwart the Supernal Dreamer plot.
Quest Giver: Brother Perry near the Pariah Abbey Wayshrine
Location(s): Moonlit Maw
Next Quest: The Gate to Quagmire
Reward: 181 Gold, Silver(?) Gold, Gold(?) Gold
Recommended Level: 19
A portal to Quagmire at Moonlit Maw

Cultists called Supernal Dreamers are up to no good in Moonlit Maw. Master Muzgu, a monk from Pariah Abbey, led other monks here to stop them. But they were ambushed by the cultists.

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Talk to Brother Gerard.
  2. Close the portals to Oblivion.
  3. Meet Gerard inside Moonlit Maw Cavern.

Detailed Walkthrough

Quest Stages

{{ Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|!|Dreams to Nightmares}} {{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=|2=

Objective: Find Brother Gerard


Objective: Kill Scamps and Take their Heads


Hidden Objective: Use Scamp Head on East Portal


Objective: Throw Scamp Heads into Portals


Hidden Objective: Use Scamp Head on South Portal


Hidden Objective: Use Scamp Head on West Portal


Objective: Enter Moonlit Maw Cave


Finishes Quest Journal Entry
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