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This is a listing of all standard Boots in the game. These can be used with the Medium Armor skill and crafted with the Clothing skill.

Type Level Armor Value Materials
Base Fine Superior Epic Legendary
Rawhide Boots 1 23 31 39 47 55 5 Rawhide
4 33 41 49 57 64 6 Rawhide
6 41 49 57 64 72 7 Rawhide
8 46 54 62 70 78 8 Rawhide
10 51 59 67 75 83 9 Rawhide
12 56 63 71 79 87 10 Rawhide
14 61 69 77 84 92 11 Rawhide
48px ON-icon-armor-Halfhide Boots-Argonian.png 48px ON-icon-armor-Halfhide Boots-Breton.png 48px ON-icon-armor-Halfhide Boots-Imperial.png ON-icon-armor-Halfhide Boots-Khajiit.png ON-icon-armor-Halfhide Boots-Nord.png ON-icon-armor-Halfhide Boots-Orc.png ON-icon-armor-Halfhide Boots-Redguard.png
Altmer Argonian Bosmer Breton Dunmer Imperial Khajiit Nord Orc Redguard
Hide Boots 16 66 74 82 90 98 6 Hide
18 71 79 87 95 103 7 Hide
20 77 84 92 100 108 8 Hide
22 82 90 98 106 113 9 Hide
24 87 95 103 111 119 10 Hide
48px ON-icon-armor-Hide Boots-Argonian.png 48px ON-icon-armor-Hide Boots-Breton.png 48px ON-icon-armor-Hide Boots-Imperial.png ON-icon-armor-Hide Boots-Khajiit.png ON-icon-armor-Hide Boots-Nord.png ON-icon-armor-Hide Boots-Orc.png ON-icon-armor-Hide Boots-Redguard.png
Altmer Argonian Bosmer Breton Dunmer Imperial Khajiit Nord Orc Redguard
Leather Boots 26 92 100 108 116 124 7 Leather
28 98 106 113 121 129 8 Leather
30 103 111 119 127 134 9 Leather
32 108 116 124 132 140 10 Leather
34 113 121 129 137 145 11 Leather
48px ON-icon-armor-Leather Boots-Argonian.png 48px ON-icon-armor-Leather Boots-Breton.png 48px ON-icon-armor-Leather Boots-Imperial.png ON-icon-armor-Leather Boots-Khajiit.png ON-icon-armor-Leather Boots-Nord.png ON-icon-armor-Leather Boots-Orc.png ON-icon-armor-Leather Boots-Redguard.png
Altmer Argonian Bosmer Breton Dunmer Imperial Khajiit Nord Orc Redguard
Full-Leather Boots 36 119 127 134 142 150 8 Thick Leather
38 124 132 140 148 155 9 Thick Leather
40 129 137 145 153 161 10 Thick Leather
42 134 142 150 158 166 11 Thick Leather
44 140 148 155 163 171 12 Thick Leather
48px ON-icon-armor-Full-Leather Boots-Argonian.png 48px ON-icon-armor-Full-Leather Boots-Breton.png 48px ON-icon-armor-Full-Leather Boots-Imperial.png ON-icon-armor-Full-Leather Boots-Khajiit.png ON-icon-armor-Full-Leather Boots-Nord.png ON-icon-armor-Full-Leather Boots-Orc.png ON-icon-armor-Full-Leather Boots-Redguard.png
Altmer Argonian Bosmer Breton Dunmer Imperial Khajiit Nord Orc Redguard
Fell Boots 46 145 153 161 169 177 9 Fell Hide
48 150 158 166 174 182 10 Fell Hide
50 155 163 171 179 187 11 Fell Hide
Brigandine Boots V1 155 163 171 177 184 10 Topgrain Hide
V2 161 169 177 182 190 11 Topgrain Hide
V3 163 171 179 184 192 12 Topgrain Hide
Ironhide Boots V4 169 177 184 190 198 11 Iron Hide
V5 171 179 187 192 200 12 Iron Hide
V6 177 184 192 198 205 13 Iron Hide
Superb Boots V7 179 187 195 200 208 12 Superb Hide
V8 184 192 200 205 213 13 Superb Hide
Shadowhide Boots V9 187 195 203 208 216 13 Shadowhide
V10 192 200 208 213 221 14 Shadowhide
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