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ON-qico-Normal.png Meet the Ash'abah at Tu'whacca's Throne.
Zone: Alik'r Desert
Faction: Daggerfall Covenant
Quest Giver: Talia at-Marimah at Morwha's Bounty
Location(s): Tu'whacca's Throne
Prerequisite Quest: The Initiation
Next Quest: Tu'whacca's Breath
Reward: 57 Gold, Silver(?) Gold, Gold(?) Gold
XP Gain: 264 (Very Low)
Recommended Level: 32
Ficheiro:ON-place-Tu'whacca's Throne 02.jpg
On approach to Tu'whacca's Throne

I am now officially a member of the Ash'abah, and I am setting forth to destroy the Withered Hand. Talia suggested I visit Tu'whacca's Throne to see if the Withered Hand has been there.

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{{ Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|!|Ash'abah Rising}}

Finishes Quest Journal Entry
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