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Oblivion Mod:Stirk/Morihatha Stirk

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Morihatha Stirk
(RefID: )
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt, Stirk
House Stirk Manor
Race Imperial Gender Female
Level 1 Class Noble
RefID BaseID
Other Information
Health 50 Magicka 50
Respons. 50 Aggress. 5
Faction(s) Tr07JeanMoriF; Tr07StirkF; Tr07StirkFamilyF
Morihatha Stirk on the beach of Stirk

Morihatha Stirk, or 'Mori' , is an Imperial noble living in Stirk Manor, her family's house. She's deeply in love and is desperately waiting for her boyfriend to arrive on Stirk.

The first time you meet her, she will immediately ask you, "By chance, did you arrive on board of the Kintyra II?" When she receives your negative answer, she will say, "Oh, I didn't think so anyway. I'm sorry I should explain." If you give her a positive answer after the long conversation that follows, in which she lays out her relationship for you, she will say, "Oh thank you! You are so kind. And thank you for listening so long." The related quest will then be added to your journal.

Reflective of her nobility, she wears a red velvet outfit with gold trimmed shoes. She also carries the key to her home and a sizable sum of gold.

Like all of the other citizens, when asked about Stirk she will tell you one of many generic replies such as, "Have you been to the graveyard? Its on the hill over the lighthouse. Or the chapel? Father Ambrogio loves visitors."

Related Quests