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Oblivion Mod:Stirk/Father Ambrogio

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Father Ambrogio
(RefID: )
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt, Stirk
House Stirk Chapel
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 1 Class Priest
RefID BaseID
Other Information
Health 50 Magicka 50
Respons. 40 Aggress. 5
Essential Until Father in Trouble (Scripted Death)
Faction(s) Tr07StirkF
Father Ambrogio in Stirk Chapel

Father Ambrogio, an Imperial priest, is the only priest at Stirk Chapel. Unlike many of his Cyrodiil counterparts, he doesn't offer any services related to Restoration. Because of his profession in service of the Nine, he has Alessia Ottus' stamp of approval, as you'll learn in the Guide to Stirk. His humble character and benignity are immediately revealed upon his greeting, "I'm Father Ambrogio. Protector of the weak and messenger of the Nine. How can I serve you?"

The Father wears a white monk robe with a pair of white mage's shoes. He also carries the key to the chapel.

Once you have recovered Zeek's remains for the related quest, Ambrogio will take them. Later he will tell you, "I've buried that poor miner that you brought me. Such a terrible fate. May Arkay keep him now. You missed his burial, no one came. I guess the miners couldn't make it. You should pay your respects. The graveyard's on the hill north of the lighthouse."

Unfortunately for the Father, he invariably dies at the end of Father in Trouble. Whichever way you play the quest, you need to gain entry to a secret shaft dug up to the Father's private quarters. There he may inform you that he was being forced by Therander Polle to spy on his miners, or you may find that he is in fact a necromancer in control of a small horde of zombies. Either way, the Father ends up dead, by way of murder and a burning chapel.

Related Quests


  • In the CS, his ID is Father Gregorio, his name was likely changed but his ID obviously wasn't.