An REFR record represents a placed object in a cell. It has a lot of possible sub records depending on its type and state.
Also some of its properties (seen in the tescs) depends on the CELL the REFR is in (coordinates, 'persistent ref', 'visible when distant', etc ...)
The flags1 field (ubyte[4]) so far contains the following flags :
- Disabled by default : 0x00080000
(most unknown sub-records taken from GhostWheel: Tes4.xml)
C | SubRecord | Name | Type/Size | Info |
+ | NAME | FormID | formid | Base Object FormId |
- | EDID | EditorID | zstring | Record Editor ID |
- | XMRK | Map Marker | 0 | Is present when the reference is a map marker (uses the base static object MapMarker, 0x10). |
- | FNAM | Map Flags | ubyte[1] | Holds map flags if the reference is a map marker.
- | XOWN | unknown | formid | Owner (NPC or faction) |
- | XRNK | unknown | long | Faction rank (if owner is faction) |
- | XGLB | unknown | formid | Global variable (if owner is NPC) |
- | XSCL | Scale data | float | Present only if scale <> 1.0 |
- | XTEL | unknown | ubyte[28] | Teleport information
- | XTRG | unknown | formid | Target Reference (REFR, ACHR or ACRE) |
- | XSED | unknown | ? | unknown |
- | XLOD | unknown | ubyte[12] | unknown |
- | XPCI | unknown | ? | unknown |
- | XLOC | unknown | ubyte[12] or ubtye[16] |
Lock information (only present if object is a DOOR or CONT, and if object is locked). Only partially understood:
- | XESP | unknown | ? | unknown |
- | XLCM | unknown | ubyte[4] | unknown |
- | XRTM | unknown | formid | CELL reference ? |
- | XACT | unknown | ubyte[4] | unknown |
- | XCNT | Count | long | Only present if count is greater than 1 |
- | FULL | Full Name | zstring | Full name |
- | TNAM | Marker Data | ubyte[2] | Present when the reference is a map marker.
- | ONAM | Open by Default | 0 | Present only if the object is "open by default"
+ | DATA | Object data | float[6] | Object coordinates : X , Y, Z, rX, rY, rZ.