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Oblivion Mod:Mod File Format/BOOK

< Modding

BOOK records hold information on book or scroll.

Subrecords known to occur in an BOOK record include (confirmed):

  • EDID (required): Editor ID (variable length string)
  • FULL (required): Item name (variable length string)
  • DESC (required): Book text (variable length string)
  • SCRI (optional): Script form ID (dword)
  • MODL (optional): Model filename (variable length string)
  • MODB (optional): Unknown, follows a MODL (4 bytes, confirmed)
  • MODT (optional): Unknown, follows a MODT (24, 48 or 72 bytes, confirmed)
  • ICON (optional): Icon filename (variable length string)
  • ANAM (optional): Enchantment points (word)
  • ENAM (optional): Enchantment form ID (dword)
  • DATA (required): Book data (10 bytes)

DATA Subrecord

This subrecord is always 10 bytes long (confirmed) and holds the book data.

Name Type/Size Info
Flags 1 (byte) Book flags
0x0001 = Scroll
0x0002 = Can't be taken
Teaches 1 (byte) Which skill the book teaches. See TES4Mod:Skill Indices for details. Set to 0xFF if no skill is taught.
Value 4 (word) Book value
Weight 4 (float) Book weight