Os Bosmer são os povos tribais Élficos da Floresta de Valen, uma província de florestas no sudoeste de Tamriel. No Império, eles são comumente chamados de Elfos da Floresta, mas Bosmer, Boiche, ou as pessoas da Seiva-de-Árvore são como chamam a si mesmos. Os Bosmer rejeitaram as rígidas e convencionais tradições da alta cultura Aldmeri, preferindo uma existência mais romântica e simples, em harmonia com a terra e suas criaturas e beleza selvagens. Eles são relativamente ágeis e rápidos corporalmente se comparados aos seus primos Altmer mais “civilizados” (que frequentemente menosprezam os Bosmer, tendo-os como indisciplinados e tolos). Sua agilidade os fazem ótimos como batedores e ladrões. Entretanto, eles também são um povo perspicaz, e muitos seguem carreiras bem sucedidas em buscas acadêmicas ou comércio. Os Bosmer vivem duas a três vezes mais que os humanos; sendo um Bosmer de 200 anos velho e um de 300 anos muito, muito velho. Apesar de eles serem considerados menos influentes que alguns de seus irmãos Élficos, os Bosmer são também relativamente mais propensos a ter filhos. Como resultado, eles são mais numerosos que todos os outros mer em Tamriel.
Os melhores arqueiros de toda Tamriel, os Bosmer apanham e atiram flechas em um ato contínuo; existem até mesmo rumores de que foram eles que inventaram o arco. Eles possuem muitas habilidades naturais e únicas; notavelmente, eles podem comandar criaturas simplórias e têm uma habilidade comparável com a de camaleões para se esconder em áreas florestais. Muitos da Floresta de Valen seguem os princípios do Pacto Verde. Estes “Bosmer do Pacto Verde” são religiosamente carnívoros e canibais, e não machucam vegetação de Floresta de Valen, embora não sejam relutantes em usar produtos de madeira ou derivados de plantas criados por outros.
For more information, see the main lore article.
A list of all the Bosmer in Cyrodiil can be found here.
- +10 Alchemy, Marksman, and Sneak
- +5 Acrobatics, Alteration, and Light Armor
- Beast Tongue greater power (FormID
): Command Creature up to level 5 (20 points) for 60 seconds on Target, once per day - Wood Elf Disease Resistance ability (FormID
): Resist Disease 75% on Self, constant
In-Game Description
The clanfolk of the Western Valenwood forests, also known as "Bosmer." Wood Elves are nimble and quick, making them good scouts and thieves, and there are no finer archers in all of Tamriel. Their ability to command simple creatures is well-known.
The nimble Bosmer are strongly suited for a thief character, an alchemist, a woodsman, bandit or something to that effect. They are less talented at magic than about half of the races in Tamriel, but the magic they do know integrates well with what they do. They are great users of Alchemy and Alteration which helps them with the gameplay strategy of "carefully teasing their rewards" out of the world. However, they don't bother much with Destruction, Conjuration, or Restoration, which discourages Battlemage-type classes.
In combat, Bosmer are heavily focused on archery, in which they are generally understood to be the single best amongst the Tamriel races. They start out with a high bonus in Marksman and are well-suited to use it, since they have very high Agility and Speed attributes. They are excellent at stealth, so they are great at getting sneak attack bonuses. They don't use melee weapons that much, as they have low strength, making them better as archers and thieves, rather than warriors or close range assassins. They typically use light armor. The +5 Light Armor bonus helps sway players to stick with light armor for Wood Elves, as well as their ten-point penalty to Strength, which translates into 50 less Encumbrance.
Their greater power will prove very handy at lower levels, but will eventually become less useful as the player levels up.
Bosmer are one of the better choices for an alchemist, since poisons created with Alchemy benefit their archery, and they have a significant alchemy boost.
Enemy Bosmer will generally be encountered as Bandit Bowmen, clad in light armor and archery equipment. Among the vampires, the Acrobats, Archers, and Thieves are Bosmer.
Race-specific Dialogue
- Greetings
- "What do you want, treehugger?" (if disposition is between 20 and 30)
- "Greetings, Bosmer" (if disposition is 30+)
- "Greetings, (brother/sister) Bosmer" (if disposition is 30+ and the target NPC is also a Bosmer)
- Friendly greetings (if disposition is 70+)
- "If there is anything I can do, I am humbly at your service."
- "I have a feeling that you and I are about to become very close."
- "Greetings and salutations."
- "This is a wondrous encounter. Welcome."
- "I'm so happy to see you, I could burst!"
- Neutral Greetings (if disposition is between 30 and 70)
- "Interesting, go on."
- "From where do you hail?"
- "I don't know if I can help you, but I'll try."
- "Do you want something from me?"
- Brusque Greetings (if disposition is below 30)
- "I don't like you much."
- "Can't you find someone else to bother?"
- "Can't you see I wish to be left alone!"
- "You annoy even me."
- "I really don't want you around me."
- In combat
- "You're outmatched, Elf!" (if the combatant is not an elf)
- "Puny Elf! I'll pick my teeth with your spine!" (if the target NPC is an Orc)
- "You're a traitor to your own race!" (if the combatant is a fellow elf)
- "You Elves are all the same! All flash and no fury!" (if the combatant is not an elf)
NPC Reactions
Reactions affect the base disposition of NPCs towards you depending on your relative races. Bosmer only have one modifier.
- Bosmer +5