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< Items(Redirecionado de Oblivion:Tamika Vintage 415)

This is a list of the built-in potions (also beverages and poisons) that are found in stores, on NPCs, and in loot. In addition there is a nearly infinite range of custom potions and poisons that the player can make using Alchemy; the available custom effects are listed at Alchemy Effects. In general, master alchemists with the best equipment can make custom potions and poisons that are much more powerful than the built-in ones: the magnitude and duration are larger, multiple effects can be combined into one potion, and custom potions often weigh just 0.1 pounds. However, there are some cases where the built-in potions are better:

  • The built in potions provide instantaneous restore effects, for example, the strong Potion of Healing provides an immediate 50 pts of Restore Health. Custom potions can provide a stronger total restore effect, but take longer to do so. The strongest custom Restore Health potion has a magnitude of only 13 pts, but with a duration of 43 seconds (in total, 559 points of healing).
  • Similarly, built-in poisons provide instantaneous damage effects which have a stronger immediate effect than custom poisons, but have a smaller total effect.
  • The effects Spell Absorption, Resist Magic and Drain Attribute are not available through custom potions.
  • The Strong Potion of Reflection provides 30 pts Reflect Spell for 50 seconds whereas the strongest possible custom potion is 21 pts for 67 seconds.
  • The Strong Poison of Paralysis provides 7 seconds of paralysis whereas the strongest possible custom poison is 3 seconds.
  • The Strong Poison of Silence provides 45 seconds of silence whereas the strongest possible custom poison is 33 seconds.

Normal Potions

Potion Name Grade ID Effects Value Weight
Potion of Absorption Weak 0009849F Spell Absorption 15 points for 15 seconds 144 0.5
(normal) 00009321 Spell Absorption 30 points for 30 seconds 699 0.5
Strong 000984A0 Spell Absorption 45 points for 45 seconds 1763 0.5
Potion of Agility Weak 000092E8 Fortify Agility 10 points for 30 seconds 34 0.5
(normal) 00098471 Fortify Agility 15 points for 30 seconds 57 0.5
Strong 000092E9 Fortify Agility 20 points for 30 seconds 83 0.5
Potion of Alacrity Weak 00009318 Restore Speed 5 points 29 0.5
(normal) 0009849B Restore Speed 10 points 72 0.5
Strong 00009319 Restore Speed 20 points 175 0.5
Potion of Antivenom Weak 0009848F Resist Poison 15 points for 15 seconds 32 0.5
(normal) 00009308 Resist Poison 20 points for 30 seconds 69 0.5
Strong 00098490 Resist Poison 40 points for 30 seconds 168 0.5
Potion of Chameleon* Weak 00088B1D Chameleon 15 points for 30 seconds 60 0.5
(normal) 00088B1C Chameleon 15 points for 30 seconds 60 0.5
Strong 00088B1E Chameleon 25 points for 30 seconds 116 0.5
Potion of Charisma Weak 00009316 Restore Personality 5 points 29 0.5
(normal) 0009849A Restore Personality 10 points 72 0.5
Strong 00009317 Restore Personality 20 points 175 0.5
Potion of Dedication Weak 00056E52 Restore Willpower 5 points 29 0.5
(normal) 00056E55 Restore Willpower 10 points 72 0.5
Strong 00056E58 Restore Willpower 20 points 175 0.5
Potion of Detect Life Weak 0000922F Detect Life 30 feet for 30 seconds 16 0.5
(normal) 000984A6 Detect Life 60 feet for 30 seconds 45 0.5
Strong 00009230 Detect Life 100 feet for 30 seconds 87 0.5
Potion of Disbelief Weak 0009848D Resist Magic 15 points for 5 seconds 32 0.5
(normal) 00009307 Resist Magic 10 points for 30 seconds 114 0.5
Strong 0009848E Resist Magic 15 points for 30 seconds 192 0.5
Potion of Dispel Weak 000984A7 Dispel 15 points 15 0.5
(normal) 0000927B Dispel 30 points 27 0.5
Strong 000984A8 Dispel 45 points 47 0.5
Potion of Endurance Weak 000092EA Fortify Endurance 10 points for 30 seconds 34 0.5
(normal) 00098472 Fortify Endurance 15 points for 30 seconds 57 0.5
Strong 000092EB Fortify Endurance 20 points for 30 seconds 83 0.5
Potion of Fatigue Weak 000092EC Fortify Fatigue 30 points for 30 seconds 9 0.5
(normal) 00098473 Fortify Fatigue 45 points for 30 seconds 15 0.5
Strong 000092ED Fortify Fatigue 60 points for 34 seconds 33 0.5
Potion of Feather Weak 0009846D Feather 25 for 240 seconds 14 0.5
(normal) 000092E6 Feather 50 for 300 seconds 44 0.5
Strong 0009846E Feather 100 for 300 seconds 108 0.5
Potion of Fire Shield Weak 0009846F Fire Shield 10 points for 20 seconds 36 0.5
(normal) 000092E7 Fire Shield 15 points for 30 seconds 91 0.5
Strong 00098470 Fire Shield 20 points for 45 seconds 197 0.5
Potion of Fortitude Weak 0000930C Restore Endurance 5 points 29 0.5
(normal) 00098494 Restore Endurance 10 points 72 0.5
Strong 0000930D Restore Endurance 20 points 175 0.5
Potion of Fortune Weak 00009314 Restore Luck 5 points 29 0.5
(normal) 00098498 Restore Luck 10 points 72 0.5
Strong 00009315 Restore Luck 20 points 175 0.5
Potion of Frost Shield Weak 0009847B Frost Shield 10 points for 20 seconds 36 0.5
(normal) 000092FE Frost Shield 15 points for 30 seconds 91 0.5
Strong 0009847C Frost Shield 20 points for 45 seconds 197 0.5
Potion of Grace Weak 0000930A Restore Agility 5 points 29 0.5
(normal) 00098493 Restore Agility 10 points 72 0.5
Strong 0000930B Restore Agility 20 points 175 0.5
Potion of Grounding Weak 00098491 Resist Shock 15 points for 15 seconds 24 0.5
(normal) 00009309 Resist Shock 20 points for 30 seconds 69 0.5
Strong 00098492 Resist Shock 40 points for 30 seconds 168 0.5
Potion of Healing Weak 00009310 Restore Health 20 points 46 0.5
(normal) 00098496 Restore Health 35 points 94 0.5
Strong 00009311 Restore Health 50 points 149 0.5
Potion of Health Weak 000092EE Fortify Health 10 points for 60 seconds 16 0.5
(normal) 00098474 Fortify Health 30 points for 60 seconds 65 0.5
Strong 000092EF Fortify Health 50 points for 60 seconds 125 0.5
Potion of Insight Weak 00009312 Restore Intelligence 5 points 29 0.5
(normal) 00098497 Restore Intelligence 10 points 72 0.5
Strong 00009313 Restore Intelligence 20 points 175 0.5
Potion of Insulation Weak 0009848A Resist Fire 15 points for 15 seconds 24 0.5
(normal) 00009305 Resist Fire 20 points for 30 seconds 69 0.5
Strong 00098489 Resist Fire 40 points for 30 seconds 168 0.5
Potion of Intelligence Weak 000092F0 Fortify Intelligence 10 points for 30 seconds 34 0.5
(normal) 00098475 Fortify Intelligence 15 points for 30 seconds 57 0.5
Strong 000092F1 Fortify Intelligence 20 points for 30 seconds 83 0.5
Potion of Invisibility Weak 0009847D Invisibility for 15 seconds 60 0.5
(normal) 000092FF Invisibility for 30 seconds 120 0.5
Strong 0009847E Invisibility for 45 seconds 180 0.5
Potion of Light Weak 0009847F Light 20 points for 60 seconds 14 0.5
(normal) 00009300 Light 30 points for 120 seconds 47 0.5
Strong 00098480 Light 40 points for 180 seconds 103 0.5
Potion of Luck Weak 000092F2 Fortify Luck 10 points for 30 seconds 34 0.5
(normal) 00098476 Fortify Luck 15 points for 30 seconds 57 0.5
Strong 000092F3 Fortify Luck 20 points for 30 seconds 83 0.5
Potion of Magicka Weak 000092F8 Fortify Magicka 30 points for 30 seconds 34 0.5
(normal) 00098477 Fortify Magicka 30 points for 60 seconds 69 0.5
Strong 000092F9 Fortify Magicka 50 points for 60 seconds 134 0.5
Potion of Might Weak 0000931C Restore Strength 5 points 29 0.5
(normal) 0009849C Restore Strength 10 points 72 0.5
Strong 0000931D Restore Strength 20 points 175 0.5
Potion of Nighteye Weak 00098481 Night-Eye for 15 seconds 33 0.5
(normal) 00009301 Night-Eye for 30 seconds 66 0.5
Strong 00098482 Night-Eye for 90 seconds 198 0.5
Potion of Personality Weak 000092F4 Fortify Personality 10 points for 30 seconds 34 0.5
(normal) 00098478 Fortify Personality 15 points for 30 seconds 57 0.5
Strong 000092F5 Fortify Personality 20 points for 30 seconds 83 0.5
Potion of Reflection Weak 00098485 Reflect Spell 15 points for 15 seconds 168 0.5
(normal) 00009303 Reflect Spell 30 points for 15 seconds 408 0.5
Strong 00098486 Reflect Spell 30 points for 50 seconds 1360 0.5
Potion of Resistance Weak 00098487 Resist Disease 15 points for 15 seconds 24 0.5
(normal) 00009304 Resist Disease 30 points for 30 seconds 116 0.5
Strong 00098488 Resist Disease 30 points for 45 seconds 174 0.5
Potion of Respite Weak 0000930E Restore Fatigue 20 points 9 0.5
(normal) 00098495 Restore Fatigue 35 points 18 0.5
Strong 0000930F Restore Fatigue 50 points 29 0.5
Potion of the Sea Weak 00009324 Water Breathing for 30 seconds 43 0.5
(normal) 000984A3 Water Breathing for 45 seconds 65 0.5
Strong 00009325 Water Breathing for 90 seconds 130 0.5
Potion of Seastride Weak 00009326 Water Walking for 30 seconds 39 0.5
(normal) 000984A4 Water Walking for 45 seconds 58 0.5
Strong 00009327 Water Walking for 90 seconds 117 0.5
Potion of Shock Shield Weak 00009AE0 Shock Shield 10 points for 20 seconds 36 0.5
(normal) 00009AE3 Shock Shield 15 points for 30 seconds 91 0.5
Strong 00009AE4 Shock Shield 20 points for 45 seconds 197 0.5
Potion of Sorcery Weak 0000931A Restore Magicka 50 points 37 0.5
(normal) 00098499 Restore Magicka 75 points 62 0.5
Strong 0000931B Restore Magicka 100 points 90 0.5
Potion of Speed Weak 000092F6 Fortify Speed 10 points for 30 seconds 34 0.5
(normal) 00098479 Fortify Speed 15 points for 30 seconds 57 0.5
Strong 000092F7 Fortify Speed 20 points for 30 seconds 83 0.5
Potion of Strength Weak 000092FA Fortify Strength 10 points for 30 seconds 34 0.5
(normal) 0009847A Fortify Strength 15 points for 30 seconds 57 0.5
Strong 000092FB Fortify Strength 20 points for 30 seconds 83 0.5
Potion of Warmth Weak 0009848B Resist Frost 15 points for 15 seconds 24 0.5
(normal) 00009306 Resist Frost 20 points for 30 seconds 69 0.5
Strong 0009848C Resist Frost 40 points for 30 seconds 168 0.5
Potion of Willpower Weak 00056E51 Fortify Willpower 10 points for 30 seconds 34 0.5
(normal) 00056E53 Fortify Willpower 15 points for 30 seconds 57 0.5
Strong 00056E57 Fortify Willpower 20 points for 30 seconds 83 0.5

* The weak and normal versions of the Potion of Chameleon are identical in magnitude and duration.

Special Potions

Potion Name Grade ID Effects Value Weight Notes
Elixir of Exploration Weak 0004E937 Night-Eye for 300 Seconds
Fortify Health 20 points for 300 seconds
55 0.2 Available from Sinderion as part of the Seeking Your Roots quest
Moderate 0004E938 Night-Eye for 300 Seconds
Fortify Fatigue and Health 20 points for 300 seconds
80 0.3
Strong 0004E939 Night-Eye for 300 Seconds
Fortify Fatigue and Health 20 points for 300 seconds
Fortify Blade, Blunt, Destruction, Restoration,
Security, and Sneak 5 points for 300 seconds
170 0.4
Grand 0004E93A Night-Eye for 300 Seconds
Fortify Fatigue and Health 20 points for 300 seconds
Fortify Blade, Blunt, Destruction, Restoration,
Security, and Sneak 10 points for 300 seconds
275 0.5
Potion of Cure Disease 0000920E Cure Disease 140 0.5
Potion of Cure Paralysis 0000922E Cure Paralysis 50 0.5
Potion of Cure Poison 0000920F Cure Poison 60 0.5
Human Blood 00098309 Drain Fatigue 60 points for 20 seconds
Resist Poison 5 points for 10 seconds
0 1 Vicente Valtieri's chest in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary.

The Pale Lady's secret room during the Lost Histories quest.
The Palace Sewers during The Ultimate Heist.


Beverage Name ID Effects Value Weight
  Ale 000B1200 Drain Intelligence and Willpower 1 point for 60 seconds
Restore Fatigue 2 points
5 1
  Argonian BloodwineFS xx00a6a8 Resist Poison 40% for 50s
Resist Disease 40% for 50s
Water Breathing for 50s
20 1
  Beer 000B1202 Drain Intelligence and Willpower 1 point for 60 seconds
Restore Fatigue 2 points
2 1
  Colovian BattlecryFS xx00a6a5 Shield 10% for 50s
Fortify Endurance 5pts for 50s
25 1
  Cheap Wine 00037F7F Drain Intelligence and Agility 5 points for 120 seconds
Drain Personality 10 points for 120 seconds
Restore Fatigue 10 points
2 1
  Cyrodilic Brandy † 00033569 Drain Strength 10 points for 30 seconds
Fortify Endurance 10 points for 30 seconds
Fortify Fatigue 20 points for 30 seconds
79 0.5
  Daedric Lava WhiskeyWT xx008C37 Fire Damage 1pt for 10 secs on self
Paralyze for 10 secs on self
Restore Health 20pts for 20 secs on self
Summon Dremora Lord for 60 secs on self
0 1
  Frostdew BlancFS xx00a6a2 Restore Health 1pt for 50s
Restore Fatigue 1pt for 50s
20 1
  Julianos FirebellyFS xx00a6ab Resist Frost 15% for 50s
Fortify Health 15pts for 50s
25 1
  Mead 000B1201 Drain Intelligence and Willpower 1 point for 60 seconds
Restore Fatigue 2 points
2 1
  Numbskin MeadFS xx00a6a9 Resist Fire 15% for 50s
Fortify Health 15pts for 50s
25 1
  Rosethorn Mead 000B97EA Drain Intelligence and Willpower 5 point for 60 seconds
Fortify Strength and Endurance 5 points for 60 seconds
0 1
  Shadowbanish Wine †† 00185DCD Drain Agility and Intelligence 10 points for 120 seconds
Night-Eye for 240 seconds
55 1
  Skooma 0004E0A9 Damage Intelligence 2 points
Drain Agility 60 points for 20 seconds
Fortify Speed and Strength 60 points for 20 seconds
75 0.5
  Sparkling HoneydewFS xx00a6ad Fortify Personality 10pts for 50s
Fortify Speechcraft 10pts for 50s
30 1
  Stumblefoot's ReserveFS xx00a6af Feather 25pts for 50s
Fortify Strength 10 pts for 50s
30 1
  Surilie Brothers Wine 00037F80 Drain Agility and Intelligence 5 points for 120 seconds
Fortify Health 8 points for 120 seconds
5 1
  Surilie Brothers Vintage 415 00037F82 Drain Agility and Intelligence 5 points for 120 seconds
Fortify Health 12 points for 120 seconds
15 1
  Surilie Brothers Vintage 399 ‡ 00037F84 Drain Agility and Intelligence 5 points for 120 seconds
Fortify Health 14 points for 120 seconds
30 1
  Tamika's West Weald Wine 00037F81 Drain Agility and Intelligence 5 points for 120 seconds
Fortify Health 10 points for 120 seconds
8 1
  Tamika Vintage 415 00037F83 Drain Agility and Intelligence 5 points for 120 seconds
Fortify Health 14 points for 120 seconds
20 1
  Tamika Vintage 399 ‡ 00037F7E Drain Agility and Intelligence 5 points for 120 seconds
Fortify Health 16 points for 120 seconds
35 1

† A bottle of Cyrodilic Brandy is needed for the Sanguine quest.
† The fact that Cyrodilic Brandy is represented like any other potion is likely an oversight by the developers as there is a model of a small bottle with the word "Brandy" on the front that does not appear anywhere else in the game.

†† Six bottles of Shadowbanish Wine are needed for the A Venerable Vintage quest; picking up any bottle will trigger the start of that quest.
‡ One bottle of Surilie Brothers Vintage 399 and one bottle of Tamika Vintage 399 are needed for the Alchemy master training quest.

Quest Specific Potions

Potion Name ID Effects Value Weight Notes
Cure for Vampirism 000977E4 Restore Fatigue, Health, and Magicka 500 points
Cure Vampirism
4129 0 This is one of two potions obtained at the end of the Vampire Cure quest. This is the one you drink yourself (it is in your potions inventory); the other one is for Rona Hassildor.
Hist Sap 0003356A Hist Sap Effect 0 0 Obtained during the quest Infiltration.
Newheim's Special Brew 000B1241 Drain Intelligence and Willpower 10 points for 60 seconds
Fortify Strength and Personality 10 points for 60 seconds
Restore Fatigue 10 points
2 1 Obtained as a reward for the quest Newheim's Flagon.
Philter of Frostward 0007BCC9 Resist Frost 100 for 45 seconds 816 1 S'drassa will give you five of these for free during the Tears of the Savior quest.


Poison Name Grade ID Effects Value Weight
Poison of Affliction Weak 0008DC5B Damage Endurance 2 points 24 0.5
(normal) 0008DC5C Damage Endurance 5 points 78 0.5
Strong 0008DC5D Damage Endurance 10 points 190 0.5
Poison of Apathy Weak 00098469 Drain Speed 5 points for 15 seconds 8 0.5
(normal) 00009283 Drain Speed 10 points for 30 seconds 40 0.5
Strong 0009846A Drain Speed 15 points for 45 seconds 100 0.5
Poison of Burden* Weak 0000920C Burden 20 points for 30 seconds 29 0.5
(normal) 000984A5 Burden 20 points for 30 seconds 29 0.5
Strong 0000920D Burden 35 points for 30 seconds 59 0.5
Poison of Catastrophe Weak 00098463 Drain Luck 5 points for 15 seconds 8 0.5
(normal) 00009281 Drain Luck 10 points for 30 seconds 40 0.5
Strong 00098464 Drain Luck 15 points for 45 seconds 100 0.5
Poison of Clumsiness Weak 0008DC59 Damage Agility 2 points 24 0.5
(normal) 0008DC58 Damage Agility 5 points 78 0.5
Strong 0008DC5A Damage Agility 10 points 190 0.5
Poison of Confusion Weak 0008DC5F Damage Intelligence 2 points 24 0.5
(normal) 0008DC5E Damage Intelligence 5 points 78 0.5
Strong 0008DC60 Damage Intelligence 10 points 190 0.5
Poison of Cowardice Weak 00056E59 Drain Willpower 5 points for 15 seconds 8 0.5
(normal) 00056E54 Drain Willpower 10 points for 30 seconds 40 0.5
Strong 00056E56 Drain Willpower 15 points for 45 seconds 100 0.5
Poison of Debilitation Weak 000984AB Drain Endurance 5 points for 15 seconds 8 0.5
(normal) 0000927D Drain Endurance 10 points for 30 seconds 40 0.5
Strong 000984AC Drain Endurance 15 points for 45 seconds 100 0.5
Poison of Fatigue Weak 0008DC71 Damage Fatigue 25 points 27 0.5
(normal) 0008DC70 Damage Fatigue 50 points 65 0.5
Strong 0008DC72 Damage Fatigue 75 points 110 0.5
Poison of Feeblemind Weak 00098461 Drain Intelligence 5 points for 15 seconds 8 0.5
(normal) 00009280 Drain Intelligence 10 points for 30 seconds 40 0.5
Strong 00098462 Drain Intelligence 15 points for 45 seconds 100 0.5
Poison of the Fool Weak 0008DC65 Damage Personality 2 points 24 0.5
(normal) 0008DC64 Damage Personality 5 points 78 0.5
Strong 0008DC66 Damage Personality 10 points 190 0.5
Poison of Frailty Weak 0009846B Drain Strength 5 points for 15 seconds 8 0.5
(normal) 00009285 Drain Strength 10 points for 30 seconds 40 0.5
Strong 0009846C Drain Strength 15 points for 45 seconds 100 0.5
Poison of Fright Weak 0008DC6E Damage Willpower 2 points 24 0.5
(normal) 0008DC6D Damage Willpower 5 points 78 0.5
Strong 0008DC6F Damage Willpower 10 points 190 0.5
Poison of Fumbling Weak 000984A9 Drain Agility 5 points for 15 seconds 8 0.5
(normal) 0000927C Drain Agility 10 points for 30 seconds 40 0.5
Strong 000984AA Drain Agility 15 points for 45 seconds 100 0.5
Poison of Illness Weak 0008DC74 Damage Health 5 points 9 0.5
(normal) 0008DC73 Damage Health 10 points 22 0.5
Strong 0008DC75 Damage Health 30 points 93 0.5
Poison of Misfortune Weak 0008DC62 Damage Luck 2 points 24 0.5
(normal) 0008DC61 Damage Luck 5 points 78 0.5
Strong 0008DC63 Damage Luck 10 points 190 0.5
Poison of Paralysis Weak 00098483 Paralyze for 3 seconds 142 0.5
(normal) 00009302 Paralyze for 5 seconds 237 0.5
Strong 00098484 Paralyze for 7 seconds 332 0.5
Poison of Repulsion Weak 00098467 Drain Personality 5 points for 15 seconds 8 0.5
(normal) 00009282 Drain Personality 10 points for 30 seconds 40 0.5
Strong 00098468 Drain Personality 15 points for 45 seconds 100 0.5
Poison of Separation Weak 00098465 Drain Magicka 15 points for 15 seconds 8 0.5
(normal) 00009284 Drain Magicka 30 points for 30 seconds 41 0.5
Strong 00098466 Drain Magicka 45 points for 45 seconds 105 0.5
Poison of Severing Weak 0008DC77 Damage Magicka 15 points 7 0.5
(normal) 0008DC76 Damage Magicka 30 points 19 0.5
Strong 0008DC78 Damage Magicka 50 points 36 0.5
Poison of Sickness Weak 000984AF Drain Health 15 points for 15 seconds 43 0.5
(normal) 0000927F Drain Health 20 points for 30 seconds 124 0.5
Strong 00098460 Drain Health 30 points for 30 seconds 209 0.5
Poison of Silence Weak 0009849D Silence for 15 seconds 90 0.5
(normal) 00009320 Silence for 30 seconds 180 0.5
Strong 0009849E Silence for 45 seconds 270 0.5
Poison of Slowing Weak 0008DC68 Damage Speed 2 points 24 0.5
(normal) 0008DC67 Damage Speed 5 points 78 0.5
Strong 0008DC69 Damage Speed 10 points 190 0.5
Poison of Weakness Weak 0008DC6B Damage Strength 2 points 24 0.5
(normal) 0008DC6A Damage Strength 5 points 78 0.5
Strong 0008DC6C Damage Strength 10 points 190 0.5
Poison of Weariness Weak 000984AD Drain Fatigue 15 points for 15 seconds 8 0.5
(normal) 0000927E Drain Fatigue 30 points for 30 seconds 41 0.5
Strong 000984AE Drain Fatigue 45 points for 45 seconds 105 0.5

* The weak and normal versions of the Poison of Burden are identical in magnitude and duration.


One poison is special. It is leveled, and only damages Painted Trolls in the quest A Brush with Death.

Poison Name ID Level Effects Value Weight
0018BD5A 1-3 Damage Painted Trolls +20 0 1
000CD2DB 4-7 Damage Painted Trolls +50 0 1
000CD2DC 8-11 Damage Painted Trolls +100 0 1
000CD2DD 12-15 Damage Painted Trolls +150 0 1
000CD2DE 16-19 Damage Painted Trolls +200 0 1
000CD2DF 20+ Damage Painted Trolls +250 0 1

Test Potions

These potions exist in the editor, for testing purposes, but are not found anywhere in the game. Listed here merely as a curiosity.

Potion/Poison Name ID Effects Value Weight
Potion of Meepage 000018C6 Cure Disease
Dispel 50 points
Fire Damage 20 points for 100 seconds
Fortify Strength 0 points for 0 seconds
3663 10
Test Poison 000008AC Drain Health 10 points for 10 seconds 17 1
Alteration Potion 00188872 Water Walking for 66 seconds 85 0
Conjuration Potion 00188875 Bound Axe for 10 seconds 39 0
Potion of Destruction 00188878 Fire Damage 10 points for 10 seconds 142 0
Illusion Potion 0018887A Invisibility for 100 seconds 400 0
Mysticism Potion 0018887C Detect Life 50 points for 50 seconds 59 0
Restoration Potion 0018887E Restore Health 5 points for 5 seconds 39 0
Poison of Nab 00033526 Fire Damage 10 points for 10 seconds
Frost Damage 5 points for 15 seconds
Shock Damage 2 points for 20 seconds
266 2
Sleeping Potion 0002E71C Damage Fatigue 1 point for 300 seconds 132 0
Summon Dremora Lord 000981C5 Summon Dremora Lord for 50 seconds 785 0