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Oblivion:Knights of the Nine Items

< Knights of the Nine(Redirecionado de Oblivion:Mace of Zenithar)

This page documents the new items added by the Knights of the Nine official plug-in.

The Crusader's Relics on their stand

Crusader's Relics

For all of the possible armor items, there is both a heavy armor and a light armor version. The type of armor you will get is determined during the quest The Shrine of the Crusader and is dependent on your armor skills at that time. A character with higher Heavy Armor skill level than Light Armor skill level will get the heavy armor version of all items; a character with higher light armor skill level will get the light armor version of all items. In the event both of your armor skills are equal you will get the heavy version.

These relics (both armor and weapons) can be equipped only if the player's Infamy remains at 1 or less. This restriction remains in place even after the entire Knights of the Nine quest line is completed. (The only exception is if you duplicate the Relics).

If you do one evil act, increasing your infamy to 1, you will receive a warning:

"Beware! The gods have taken note of your crimes! Do not continue down this path or you will be unfit to wield the Crusader's Relics."

If your infamy increases above 1, you will receive a warning:

"Your crimes have made you unfit to wield the Crusader's Relics. Walk the Pilgrim's Way to repent of your sins and once again seek the favor of the gods."

Any Crusader's Relics that you had equipped will be automatically unequipped; an attempt to re-equip them will cause a similar warning to appear. You must redo the Pilgrimage in order to be able to clear your infamy.

Equipping all six pieces of armor grants the player the ability Holy Aura which includes Shield 5pts on Self and Umaril's Bane. Umaril's Bane effectively weakens Umaril, reducing his Agility, Luck, and Strength attributes by 60 pts each and his Blade skill by 50 pts. The details of how this curse is implemented are somewhat odd. In reality Umaril's Bane is an empty scripted effect, included just to make an entry appear in the player's list of effects. A separate script enables the effect, and actually works in reverse: Umaril's base values of Agility, Luck, and Strength are all low (5 to 35, depending upon the player's level). Normally, these values are all fortified by 60 pts; Umaril's Bane turns off the ability that causes the values to be fortified.

Another scripted side-effect of the Crusader's Relics is Crusader's Bane. If you hit Umaril with either the Mace of the Crusader or the Sword of the Crusader while in the physical plane (but not in the spiritual plane), Umaril is inflicted with a 5 second 83% Weakness to Fire.

The 1-6 level heavy armor is equivalent to iron quality armor in weight and rating; the health is twice that of normal iron. The 7-10 level is generally equivalent to dwarven, but again with extra health. Similarly, 11-15 is generally orcish, 16-20 is ebony, and 21+ has daedric statistics.

The Armor Stand in the room under the Priory of the Nine is actually much more than simply a display stand. Placing the Relics on it will recharge them, repair the items to 100% durability (even if they had been repaired to 125%, so you can use this as a free way of increasing your Armorer skill once you reach 75) and most importantly they convert the items into their level-appropriate variants, i.e. if you got the items at level 5, but are now level 25, placing them on the stand then removing them will mean you now have the level 21+ equivalents of the same items.

Despite being of Divine origin, Crusader's Relics cannot be given to Martin instead of Armor of Tiber Septim during the quest Blood of the Divines.

Boots of the Crusader

The Boots of the Crusader (also known as the Boots of Kynareth) are obtained from Kynareth's Grotto during the quest Nature's Fury.

Equipping these boots also grants the player the ability Woodland Grace (which makes the player a member of the hidden "NDPredators" faction, with a rank of 0, "One With Nature"). This effectively means that most natural creatures (specifically Wolf, Black Bear, Brown Bear, Boar, Timber Wolf, and Mountain Lion) will not attack you. Only natural animals, not monsters, are affected by the boots. You can still attack any animals; when attacking a creature affected by Woodland Grace, it will become hostile after the first hit (unlike summoned creatures, which require 3 hits). Also, they will unfortunately still attack your horse (although not Shadowmere), so you must still be wary of wild animals while riding through Tamriel. If while wearing the boots you come into the sight of a natural creature and remove the boots the creature will immediately become hostile. Putting the boots back on will not restore the animal to a non-hostile state.

The heavy armor version of these boots has a minor bug: instead of always receiving the best boots for your level, there is a 50% chance of receiving the boots from one level lower. For example, high level (>20) characters have a 50% chance of receiving the level 16-20 version of the boots, and a 50% chance of receiving the correct level 21+ version of the boots. This bug affects the boots both when you first acquire them and also later if you use the Armor Stand to repair the boots or increase their level. Once you have the Armor Stand, it can be fixed by repeatedly putting the boots back on the stand and retrieving them until you receive the correct version for your level. This bug does not affect the light armor version of the boots.

Creator: Kynareth

Heavy Armor Version
Boots of the Crusader
  • Editor ID: NDArmorHeavyBoots#
  • Type: Boots (Heavy Armor)
Object ID Level Weight Health Value Rating Effects
xx000ECF 1-6 9 300 300 4 Fortify Restoration 2 pts
xx000EC7 7-10 12 800 400 5 Fortify Restoration 3 pts
xx000EC1 11-15 13.5 900 450 5.5 Fortify Restoration 4 pts
xx000EBB 16-20 15.75 375 550 6 Fortify Restoration 5 pts
xx000EB5 21+ 18 1650 700 7.5 Fortify Restoration 6 pts
Light Armor Version
  • Editor ID: NDArmorLightBoots#
  • Type: Boots (Light Armor)
Object ID Level Weight Health Value Rating Effects
xx000EAF 1-6 1.5 160 300 2.5 Fortify Restoration 2 pts
xx000EA9 7-10 2 205 400 3 Fortify Restoration 3 pts
xx000EA3 11-15 3.3 360 500 3.5 Fortify Restoration 4 pts
xx000E9D 16-20 3.9 660 600 4 Fortify Restoration 5 pts
xx000E97 21+ 4.5 975 700 5 Fortify Restoration 6 pts

Cuirass of the Crusader

Obtained from Priory of the Nine during the quest Priory of the Nine.

Heavy Armor Version
Cuirass of the Crusader
  • Editor ID: NDArmorHeavyCuirass#
  • Type: Cuirass (Heavy Armor)
Object ID Level Weight Health Value Rating Effects
xx000ECE 1-6 30 600 7050 10 Fortify Health 15 pts
Fortify Restoration 2 pts
Resist Normal Weapons 15%
xx000EC6 7-10 40 1200 7600 12.5 Fortify Health 18 pts
Fortify Restoration 3 pts
Resist Normal Weapons 15%
xx000EC0 11-15 45 1800 8150 13.75 Fortify Health 21 pts
Fortify Restoration 4 pts
Resist Normal Weapons 15%
xx000EBA 16-20 52.8 2700 8700 15 Fortify Health 24 pts
Fortify Restoration 5 pts
Resist Normal Weapons 15%
xx000EB4 21+ 60 4000 9250 18.75 Fortify Health 27 pts
Fortify Restoration 6 pts
Resist Normal Weapons 15%
Light Armor Version
  • Editor ID: NDArmorLightCuirass#
  • Type: Cuirass (Light Armor)
Object ID Level Weight Health Value Rating Effects
xx000EAE 1-6 35 320 7050 6.25 Fortify Health 15 pts
Fortify Restoration 2 pts
Resist Normal Weapons 15%
xx000EA8 7-10 9 305 7600 8 Fortify Health 18 pts
Fortify Restoration 3 pts
Resist Normal Weapons 15%
xx000EA2 11-15 11 720 8150 8.75 Fortify Health 21 pts
Fortify Restoration 4 pts
Resist Normal Weapons 15%
xx000E9C 16-20 13 1280 8700 10 Fortify Health 24 pts
Fortify Restoration 5 pts
Resist Normal Weapons 15%
xx000E96 21+ 15 2200 9250 12.5 Fortify Health 27 pts
Fortify Restoration 6 pts
Resist Normal Weapons 15%

PC Only This bug is fixed by the Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches.

Gauntlets of the Crusader

Obtained from the Chapel of Stendarr in Chorrol during the quest Stendarr's Mercy. Equipping the Gauntlets also grants the player the ability to cast the lesser power Merciful Touch: Restore Health 50 pts on touch for a base Magicka cost of 25 (instead of 149).

Creator: Stendarr

Heavy Armor Version
Gauntlets of the Crusader
  • Editor ID: NDArmorHeavyGauntlets#
  • Type: Gauntlets (Heavy Armor)
Object ID Level Weight Health Value Rating Effects
xx000ECD 1-6 6 300 1350 4 Fortify Restoration 5 pts
Resist Disease 50%
xx000EC5 7-10 8 600 1450 5 Fortify Restoration 6 pts
Resist Disease 50%
xx000EBF 11-15 9 900 1550 5.5 Fortify Restoration 7 pts
Resist Disease 50%
xx000EB9 16-20 10.5 1375 1650 6 Fortify Restoration 8 pts
Resist Disease 50%
xx000EB3 21+ 12 2000 1750 7.5 Fortify Restoration 9 pts
Resist Disease 50%
Light Armor Version
  • Editor ID: NDArmorLightGauntlets#
  • Type: Gauntlets (Light Armor)
Object ID Level Weight Health Value Rating Effects
xx000EAD 1-6 1.5 160 1350 2.5 Fortify Restoration 5 pts
Resist Disease 50%
xx000EA7 7-10 1.8 205 1450 3.0 Fortify Restoration 6 pts
Resist Disease 50%
xx000EA1 11-15 2.2 360 1550 3.5 Fortify Restoration 7 pts
Resist Disease 50%
xx000E9B 16-20 2.6 660 1650 4.0 Fortify Restoration 8 pts
Resist Disease 50%
xx000E95 21+ 3 1000 1750 5.0 Fortify Restoration 9 pts
Resist Disease 50%

Greaves of the Crusader

Obtained from Lathon during the quest The Faithful Squire. Equipping the greaves also grants the player the ability to cast the lesser power Blessing of the Eight: Shield 20% for 60 seconds on touch, for a magicka cost of 25 (instead of 124).

Heavy Armor Version
Greaves of the Crusader
  • Editor ID: NDArmorHeavyGreaves#
  • Type: Greaves (Heavy Armor)
Object ID Level Weight Health Value Rating Effects
xx000ECC 1-6 18 450 800 6 Fortify Restoration 2 pts
Fortify Destruction 5 pts
xx000EC4 7-10 24 600 1000 7.5 Fortify Restoration 3 pts
Fortify Destruction 6 pts
xx000EBE 11-15 27 1350 1200 8.25 Fortify Restoration 4 pts
Fortify Destruction 7 pts
xx000EB8 16-20 31.5 2125 1400 9 Fortify Restoration 5 pts
Fortify Destruction 8 pts
xx000EB2 21+ 36 3025 1600 11 Fortify Restoration 6 pts
Fortify Destruction 9 pts
Light Armor Version
  • Editor ID: NDArmorLightGreaves#
  • Type: Greaves (Light Armor)
Object ID Level Weight Health Value Rating Effects
xx000EAC 1-6 4.5 240 800 3.75 Fortify Restoration 2 pts
Fortify Destruction 5 pts
xx000EA6 7-10 5.4 300 1000 4.00 Fortify Restoration 3 pts
Fortify Destruction 6 pts
xx000EA0 11-15 6.6 360 1200 5.25 Fortify Restoration 4 pts
Fortify Destruction 7 pts
xx000E9A* 16-20 7.8 990 8700 6 Fortify Health 24 pts
Fortify Restoration 5 pts
Resist Normal Weapons 15%
xx000E94 21+ 9 1000 1600 7.5 Fortify Restoration 6 pts
Fortify Destruction 9 pts

* This version of the greaves accidentally has the cuirass' enchantment.

Helm of the Crusader

Obtained from Vanua during the quest The Shrine of the Crusader. Equipping the Helmet also grants the player the ability to cast the lesser power Serene Beauty: Calm up to Level 25 for 10 seconds on touch, for a base magicka cost of 25 (instead of 170).

Creator: Dibella

Heavy Armor Version
Helm of the Crusader
  • Editor ID: NDArmorHeavyHelmet#
  • Type: Helmet (Heavy Armor)
Object ID Level Weight Health Value Rating Effects
xx000ECB 1-6 0 300 2800 4 Fortify Restoration 2 pts
Fortify Personality 25 pts
xx000EC3 7-10 8 600 2900 5 Fortify Restoration 3 pts
Fortify Personality 25 pts
xx000EBD 11-15 9 900 3000 5.5 Fortify Restoration 4 pts
Fortify Personality 25 pts
xx000EB7 16-20 10.5 1375 3050 6 Fortify Restoration 5 pts
Fortify Personality 25 pts
xx000EB1 21+ 12 2000 3200 7.5 Fortify Restoration 6 pts
Fortify Personality 25 pts
Light Armor Version
  • Editor ID: NDArmorLightHelmet#
  • Type: Helmet (Light Armor)
Object ID Level Weight Health Value Rating Effects
xx000EAB 1-6 7 160 2800 2.5 Fortify Restoration 2 pts
Fortify Personality 25 pts
xx000EA5 7-10 1.8 205 2900 3 Fortify Restoration 3 pts
Fortify Personality 25 pts
xx000E9F 11-15 2.2 375 3000 3.5 Fortify Restoration 4 pts
Fortify Personality 25 pts
xx000E99 16-20 2.6 660 3100 4 Fortify Restoration 5 pts
Fortify Personality 25 pts
xx000E93 21+ 3 1375 3200 5 Fortify Restoration 6 pts
Fortify Personality 25 pts

PC Only This bug is fixed by the Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches.

Mace of the Crusader

  • Editor ID: NDWeaponMace#
  • Type: Mace (Blunt One-Handed)
  • Speed: 0.9
  • Reach: 1.0

Creator: Zenithar

The Mace of the Crusader (also known as the Mace of Zenithar) is obtained from Leyawiin's Chapel of Zenithar during the quest The Path of the Righteous. Equipping this mace also grants the player the constant 10 point Fortify Blunt ability, the Crusader's Arm.

Mace of the Crusader
Object ID Level Weight Health Value Damage Charge / Cost = Uses Effects
xx000F32 1-4 18 250 161 12 300/3=100 Fire Damage 2pts for 2secs
Turn Undead up to level 1 (4pts) for 5secs
xx000F33 5-6 22 300 273 15 500/8=62 Fire Damage 4pts for 2secs
Turn Undead up to level 3 (12pts) for 5secs
xx000F42 7-9 26 375 485 17 750/14=53 Fire Damage 6pts for 2secs
Turn Undead up to level 5 (20pts) for 5secs
xx000F41 10-12 30 450 788 19 1000/21=47 Fire Damage 8pts for 2secs
Turn Undead up to level 7 (28pts) for 5secs
xx000F40 13-16 34 550 1261 21 1250/28=44 Fire Damage 10pts for 2secs
Turn Undead up to level 9 (36pts) for 5secs
xx000F48 17-20 38 650 2114 23 1500/36=41 Fire Damage 12pts for 2secs
Turn Undead up to level 14 (56pts) for 5secs
xx000F4B 21+ 42 750 4017 25 2000/43=46 Fire Damage 14pts for 2secs
Turn Undead up to level 17 (68pts) for 5secs

Shield of the Crusader

Obtained from Fort Bulwark during the quest Wisdom of the Ages.

Creator: Julianos

Heavy Armor Version
  • Editor ID: NDArmorHeavyShield#
  • Type: Shield (Heavy Armor)
Object ID Level Weight Health Value Rating Effects
xx000ECA 1-6 12 450 4100 12 Reflect Spell 10%
xx000EC2 7-10 16 900 4900 15 Reflect Spell 12%
xx000EBC 11-15 18 1350 5700 16.5 Reflect Spell 14%
xx000EB6 16-20 21 2200 6500 18 Reflect Spell 16%
xx000EB0 21+ 24 3025 7300 22.5 Reflect Spell 18%
Light Armor Version
Shield of the Crusader
  • Editor ID: NDArmorLightShield#
  • Type: Shield (Light Armor)
Object ID Level Weight Health Value Rating Effects
xx000EAA 1-6 3 240 4100 7.5 Reflect Spell 10%
xx000EA4 7-10 3.6 300 4900 9 Reflect Spell 12%
xx000E9E 11-15 4.4 510 5700 10.5 Reflect Spell 14%
xx000E98 16-20 5.2 990 6500 12 Reflect Spell 16%
xx000E92 21+ 6 1500 7300 15 Reflect Spell 18%

Sword of the Crusader

  • Editor ID: NDWeaponSword# (or ND08WeaponSword# for the cursed version)
  • Type: Longsword (Blade One-Handed)
  • Speed: 1.0
  • Reach: 1.0

Creator: Arkay

Obtained after reconsecrating the sword in Cheydinhal's Chapel of Arkay during The Sword of the Crusader. Equipping this sword also grants the player the constant 10 point Fortify Blade ability, the Crusader's Arm.

Where two ID numbers are listed, the second one is the ID for the unconsecrated (cursed) version of the sword that you initially pick up. In addition to the effects listed below, you will also be afflicted with Stunted Magicka until the sword is reconsecrated. There are only five versions (instead of seven versions) of the cursed sword. If your infamy is at least 2 when you equip the sword, then the curse will not take effect.

Sword of the Crusader
Object ID Level Weight Health Value Damage Charge / Cost = Uses Effects
1-4 23 250 167 13 300/6=50 Fire Damage 2pts for 2secs
Damage Magicka 7pts
xx000F31 5-6 27 300 327 15 500/6=83 Fire Damage 4pts for 2secs
Damage Magicka 15pts
7-9 31 375 502 17 750/6=125 Fire Damage 6pts for 2secs
Damage Magicka 20pts
10-12 35 450 824 19 1000/11=90 Fire Damage 8pts for 2secs
Damage Magicka 25pts
xx000F3E 13-16 39 550 1347 21 1250/18=69 Fire Damage 10pts for 2secs
Damage Magicka 30pts
17-20 38 650 2309 23 1500/24=62 Fire Damage 12pts for 2secs
Damage Magicka 35pts
21+ 47 750 3912 25 2000/32=62 Fire Damage 14pts for 2secs
Damage Magicka 40pts

Other Weapons

Ayleid Battle Axes

These battle axes are used by the Aurorans. They all look like Elven Battleaxes and have Speed=0.8, Reach=1.2.

Item Object ID Level Weight Health Value Damage Charge / Cost = Uses Effects
Crude xx000F2D 1-4 37 224 195 13 300/1=300 Shock Damage 1pt
Dull xx000F2C 5-6 43 288 245 15 300/2=150 Shock Damage 2pts
(normal) xx000F2B 7-9 50 360 421 17 300/3=100 Shock Damage 3pts
Fine xx000F2E 10-12 57 440 701 19 300/4=75 Shock Damage 4pts
Keen xx000F2A 13-16 64 528 1172 21 300/6=50 Shock Damage 5pts
Superb xx000F29 17-20 71 624 2222 23 300/7=42 Shock Damage 6pts
Master xx000F28 21+ 78 728 3923 25 300/9=33 Shock Damage 7pts

Umaril's Sword

  • Editor ID: NDUmarilClaymoreReward#
  • Type: Elven Claymore (Two Handed Blade)
  • Speed: 0.8
  • Reach: 1.3

This sword can be obtained from Umaril the Unfeathered during the quest Umaril the Unfeathered. It is possible to retrieve two copies of it, one from killing Umaril in the physical plane and a second from killing him in the spiritual plane.

The sword actually carried by Umaril has different statistics, but that version cannot be obtained by the player: the moment the player picks up the sword it is changed into one of the swords listed in this table.

Object ID Level Weight Health Value Damage Charge / Cost = Uses Effects
xx000F27 1-5 26 168 241 12 500/4=125 Shock Damage 4pts
xx000F26 6-8 30 224 282 14 500/7=71 Shock Damage 4pts
Damage Fatigue 5pts
xx000F25 9-11 42 288 434 16 750/13=62 Shock Damage 6pts
Damage Fatigue 7pts
xx000F24 12-14 42 360 716 18 1000/17=58 Shock Damage 8pts
Damage Fatigue 8pts
xx000F20 15-17 48 440 1108 20 1250/21=59 Shock Damage 10pts
Damage Fatigue 9pts
xx000F21 18-20 64 528 1760 22 1500/26=57 Shock Damage 12pts
Damage Fatigue 10pts
xx000F22 21-23 60 624 2912 24 1750/31=56 Shock Damage 14pts
Damage Fatigue 11pts
xx000F23 24+ 66 728 4814 26 2000/37=54 Shock Damage 16pts
Damage Fatigue 12pts

Unenchanted Armor

Item Type Object ID Weight Health Value Rating Notes
Knights of the Nine Cuirass Light Armor xx000EC9 9 240 90 7.5 Found in the Priory of the Nine and worn by your fellow knights.
Knights of the Nine Shield Light Armor xx000EC8 3.6 180 45 9 Found in the Priory of the Nine and worn by your fellow knights.

Other Items


Item Type Object ID Weight Value Notes
Sir Amiel's Ring Ring xx000EDF 1.0 100 Found during The Shrine of the Crusader quest and required to enter the basement at the Priory of the Nine
