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Oblivion:Jastia Sintav's House

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Jastia Sintav's House
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Console Location Code(s)
ICElvenGardensJastiaSintavsHouse, ICElvenGardensJastiaSintavsHouseBasement, ICElvenGardensJastiaSintavsHouseUpstairs
Imperial City, Elven Gardens District
Jastia Sintav's house

Jastia Sintav's House is a standard middle class house in the Elven Gardens District of the Imperial City. It is located across from Jastia's brother, Kastus Sintav.

Jastia Sintav lives here along with her sister, Jena Sintav, and the house consists of three zones; Jastia Sintav's House, Jastia Sintav's Private Quarters and Jastia Sintav's Basement.


Jastia Sintav's House

Upon entering to your immediate left you will find a small table with a planter, clay cup, tan cup and tan pitcher on top. By the stairs there is another small table displaying a tan goblet and clay pitcher as well copies of Mysterious Akavir and The Argonian Account, Book 2. Towards the back wall is a dining table with four clay cups, three tan goblets, two apples, one potato, one carrot, a bread loaf and a bottle of mead. Behind the table sits a cupboard (which usually contains groceries) with one bottle of cheap wine on top, and a table with two bottles of mead, two bottles of cheap wine, a metal plate and four tan goblets. Opposite the basement door is a locked chest.

Jastia Sintav's Private Quarters

Upon entering her private quarters, to your left there is a table with a pewter pitcher and tan bowl which conceal a folded cloth resting on a pane. Straight ahead from there is a desk displaying two quills, an inkwell, a tan jug, a planter, a pewter cup, a copy of A Less Rude Song, a recipe and a shopping list. Continuing on clockwise around the room you will see a huge set of display shelves with two pewter mugs, a pewter pitcher and two crystal balls on the top shelf. On shelf two; two clay cups, a pewter pot, a pewter mug and a pewter bowl. Shelf three has an hourglass as well as copies of The Eastern Provinces, Brief History of the Empire, v 2 and Brief History of the Empire, v 3. On the bottom shelf there is just a folded cloth. On top of the display itself is planter. To the right of the display (at the foot of Jena's bed) is a set of drawers with a planter, a tan pitcher and a tan urn resting on it. Further round is a cupboard which usually contains a variety of clothing. Further round, there is another cupboard (next to Jastia's double bed) with clothing contents like the other. Finally at the foot of Jastia's bed is another set of drawers with a planter, a ceramic bowl and a ceramic urn.

Jastia Sintav's Basement

Down in the basement at the bottom of the stairs following the room anti-clockwise, you will find two barrels and a sack in the top right corner, followed by a crate with a chest at the top center, with three crates and one sack in the middle of the room. In the top left there are a few overturned pictures. In the final corner there is a barrel with a metal tankard on top as well as a bottle of Tamika's West Weald Wine and a bottle of Surilie Brothers Wine. Next to it is a sack and four wine racks containing nineteen bottles of cheap wine.
