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Oblivion:Hastrel Ottus' House

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Hastrel Ottus' House
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Console Location Code(s)
ICTempleDistrictHastrelOttusHouse, ICTempleDistrictHastrelOttusHouseBasement, ICTempleDistrictHastrelOttusHouseUpstairs
Imperial City, Temple District
Hastrel Ottus' House

Hastrel Ottus' House is a house in the Temple District, northwest of the Temple of the One and next to Algot's House.

A standard middle-class Imperial City home, it is the residence of Hastrel Ottus, his wife Alessia Ottus, and their daughter Ida Ottus. The house consists of three zones: Hastrel Ottus' House, Hastrel Ottus' Private Quarters, and Hastrel Ottus' Basement.


Hastrel Ottus' House

Hastrel Ottus' House

Upon entering to the immediate left there is a copy of the Darkest Darkness book on the table by the stairs. By the dining table there is a copy of the Speechcraft skill book The Wolf Queen, v 5 on the opposite side there is a wine rack containing seven bottles of cheap wine as well as four pewter cups and one pewter mug. On the dining table there is a few sets of pewter cutlery and pewter plates as well as a pewter pitcher, pewter pot and a bottle of mead. In the cupboard there is usually a selection of food and on the shelves there is a basket with three potatoes next to a pumpkin and a watermelon.

Hastrel Ottus' Private Quarters

Hastrel Ottus' Private Quarters

In the private quarters there is immediately a table with a copy of the Amulet of Kings book as well as a bottle of mead, a bottle of Surilie Brothers Wine and three pewter mugs. Opposite the first of three beds there is a desk with a planter, another copy of the Amulet of Kings book as well as a ceramic plate with an apple and a cheese wedge resting on top. Also there are three inkwells, one quill (presumably where his wife writes her books) and a basket sitting next to it. On the other side of the first bed there is a set of drawers with a plate of food on top displaying an apple and a cheese wedge as well as a tan cup and pewter pot. On the right hand side of the desk and at the foot of the second bed there is a chest. At the foot of bed three there is a second set of drawers with a clay cup, a pewter pitcher and a copy of the Fundaments of Alchemy book. In the corner to the right of bed three is a very hard locked chest with copies of the Beggar Prince and Brief History of the Empire, v 1 books resting on top.

Hastrel Ottus' Basement

Hastrel Ottus' Basement

In the basement straight ahead there is a barrel and a chest with a very hard lock. In the main room of the basement there are three cages for unknown purposes as well as two sacks, three barrels, a crate and a chest with a very hard lock.