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Console Location Code(s) | |||
ICTempleDistrictGilenNorvalosHouse, ICTempleDistrictGilenNorvalosBasement, ICTempleDistrictGilenNorvalosHouseUpstairs | |||
Location | |||
Imperial City, Temple District |

Gilen Norvalo's House is located in the south west corner of Temple District, next to the All-Saints Inn.
Residents |
Gilen Norvalo's House
Gilen Norvalo's House
The entrance leads into a small lounge and dining area. The small lounging area consists of a single bench with a coffee table. Upon the coffee table are three bottles of cheap wine and a cheese wedge. A dining table set for two sits opposite the lounge area. Upon the table are two apples, a pear, a carrot, a bread loaf and a cheese wheel. A bottle of wine stands in the middle. In the corner behind the table is a food pantry and a flour sack. There is also a shelving unit filled with clay and pewter tableware.
Gilen Norvalo's Private Quarters
Entering the private quarters, a table with four apples and a bottle of Tamika's West Weald wine stand next to a large bookshelf with reference books and more tableware. In the alcove behind the stairwell is the sleeping area. A locked jewelry box sits upon a chest of drawers with clothing in it at the foot of the single bed. A locked loot minor chest stands against the northeastern wall.
Gilen Norvalo's Basement
The basement holds little of interest. On the way down, a barrel and clutter sack sit on a landing, with another four barrels in the basement itself. A sack of flour stands next to one of these barrels and atop another sits a clutter sack. Two tableware shelves and a locked armory chest also inhabit the area.