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Ilustração de um típico homem Bretano

Os Bretanos (tradução oficial de Bretons) são os humanos descendentes dos Manmer Aldmeri-Nédicos da Era Merética, e são agora os habitantes da província de Pedra Alta. Eles são unidos em cultura e idioma, apesar de serem divididos politicamente, pois Pedra Alta é uma região fracionada. Bretanos compõem a plebe, tropa, e elite mágica dos reinos feudais que competem por poder. Muitos são magos natos com resistência a magia de nascença. São conhecidos por uma proficiência em pensamento abstrato e costumes únicos. Bretanos são muito parecidos com outros humanos de pele pálida. São normalmente de estatura não tão muscular quanto os Nords ou Guardas-vermelhas. A ancestralidade élfica deles é normalmente detectável somente por uma inspeção minuciosa de suas sobrancelhas, orelhas ou bochechas, apesar de muitos Bretanos parecerem mais Nords ou Imperiais do que qualquer outra coisa. A grande diversidade da aparência deles é de ser esperada por conta de sua socidade politicamente fracionada, apesar de suas roupas, sotaques, costumes e nomes serem bem uniformes.

For more information, see the main lore article.

A list of all the Bretons in Cyrodiil can be found here.






  • Breton Enhanced Magicka ability (FormID 00047AD2): Fortify Magicka 50 points on Self, constant
  • Breton Magic Resistance ability (FormID 00047AD1): Resist Magic 50% on self, constant
  • Dragon Skin greater power (FormID 00047AD0): Shield 50% for 60 seconds on self, once per day

In-Game Description

In addition to their quick and perceptive grasp of spellcraft, even the humblest of Bretons can boast a resistance to magical energies. They are particularly skilled at summoning and healing magic.


Bretons are particularly skilled in Mysticism, Restoration, and Conjuration, which means they are natural defensive mages. They are resistant to magic, making them exceptionally useful against other magic users. Attention to Alteration might be useful against enemies who fight Hand To Hand or with weapons. It should be noted that Bretons do not have any bonuses to Destruction magic, giving the player a fairer choice between using offensive magic or weapons. Although they are not as skilled as the Altmer (High Elves) in the arcane arts, they may prove useful if fighting other mages. Their Dragon Skin greater power is especially powerful early on in the game and it remains useful even to high level players later on.

Enemy Bretons will most frequently be encountered as Conjurers (including Conjurer Adepts) and Necromancers (including Necromancer Adepts) in Cyrodiil, as well as Heretics and Zealots in the Shivering Isles. All Bandit Hedge Wizards are also Bretons. Among the vampires, the Agents, Mages, and Spellswords are Bretons. All of these Breton wizards generally dress in robes (sometimes enchanted) rather than armor, and attack their opponents with lightweight weapons (daggers, shortswords, or maces) or staves.

Race-specific Dialogue

"What do you want, Breton trash?" (if disposition is between 20 and 30)
"Greetings, Breton" (if disposition is 30+)
"Greetings, fellow Breton" (if disposition is 30+ and the target NPC is also a Breton)
Friendly Greetings (if disposition is 70+)
"To what do I owe this pleasure?"
"Should you need something, I will be happy to oblige."
"How fare thee, friend?"
"Welcome. Please, don't be shy. I'm listening."
"How does the day greet you, friend?"
Neutral Greetings (if disposition is between 30 and 70)
"May I help you?"
"I'm listening, please, go ahead."
"Go ahead, I'm listening."
"I suppose I have a moment. What is it?"
"Do you need something?"
Brusque Greetings (if disposition is below 30)
"I am busy, so, if you will excuse me."
"I hope this won't take long."
"Is it necessary that you speak with me?"
"Be quick about this or find someone else to talk to."
"You hardly seem worth talking to."
"Fall before me, Breton!"
"You humans are all the same! Weak and worthless!" (if attacking NPC is an Orc)

NPC Reactions

Reactions affect the base disposition of NPCs towards you depending on your relative races. Bretons have only one modifier.

Breton +5