Argonianos (em sua língua nativa de Jel eles são chamados de Saxhleel, ou Povo da Raiz) são os nativos reptilianos de Pântano Negro, um vasto pantanal no sudeste de Tamriel. As outras raças preferem chamá-los de “lagartos” ou “Povo Lagarto”, especialmente quando querem ser desdenhosos. Eles são conhecidos como os principais especialistas em guerrilha por todo Coração Estrelado, uma reputação dada por defenderem suas fronteiras de inimigos durante incontáveis séculos. Argonianos tem uma expectativa de vida similar a dos humanos. De acordo com o estudioso da Primeira Era Brendan, o Persistente: “os Argonianos, ao longo da história Tamriélica, talvez tenham sido os mais incompreendidos, difamados e injuriados de todas as raças sencientes. Porém, aqueles que tiveram um tempo para experimentar a cultura Argoniana obtiveram uma maior apreciação por esse nobre e lindo povo”. Entretanto, deve notar-se que ele desapareceu na sua expedição final nos pântanos profundos da terra natal deles.
For more information, see the main lore article.
A list of all the Argonians in Cyrodiil can be found here.
- +10 Agility and Speed
- -10 Willpower, Endurance, and Personality
- +10 Intelligence
- -10 Endurance and Personality
- Argonian Disease Resistance ability (FormID
): Resist Disease 75% on Self, constant - Argonian Poison Immunity ability (FormID
): Resist Poison 100% on Self, constant - Argonian Water Breathing ability (FormID
): Water Breathing on Self, constant
In-Game Description
This reptilian race, well-suited for the treacherous swamps of their homeland, has developed natural immunities to diseases and poisons. They can breathe water and are good at picking locks.
Argonians make very good thieves and assassins, with the right stat boosts. Since they have a +10 boost to Security and Athletics, they can make agile rogue-like characters. They are a great choice if you want to be stealthy, as the male's +10 bonus to agility and speed are useful to stealth oriented characters. Resist disease and immunity to poison are always useful, and being able to breathe underwater can allow for a quick escape from the guards or monsters. A +5 boost to Illusion, Alchemy, and Mysticism gives them considerable magical potential. Females in particular appear to be suited for a Mage-type class. Argonians are also extremely well suited for Witchhunters, with skills and attributes that suit the class almost perfectly and their disease resistance, which make them a safe race for fighting vampires, a typical target of a witchhunter.
Argonian names follow a certain format, like the Orcs. Some do not have actual names, but just descriptive phrases, like Hauls-Ropes-Faster or City-Swimmer. However, they do have names that do not follow this format, such as Gin-Wulm or Weebam-Na for example.
Enemy Argonians are rare, limited to some Marauder Archers, clad in heavy armor and wielding bows & arrows. There is also a tribe of Argonians living in Veyond Cave.
Race-specific Dialogue
- Greetings
- "What is it, pondscum?" (if disposition is between 20 and 30)
- "Greetings, Argonian." (if disposition is 30+)
- "Greetings, marsh-friend." (if disposition is 30+ and the target NPC is also an Argonian)
- Friendly Greetings (if disposition is 70+)
- "Blessed we are."
- "Greetings, honored friend."
- "How fare thee, friend?"
- "Yes, honored guest?
- "A visitor, yes?"
- "Honored one."
- Neutral Greetings (if disposition is between 30 and 70)
- "Yes?"
- "Tidings."
- "Fresh game."
- "The prey approaches."
- "Questions?"
- Brusque Greetings (if disposition is below 30)
- "This scent is foul.."
- "Hiss!"
- "Unwelcome it is."
- "A hated one."
- Combat
- "You'll make a fine pair of boots, lizard!"
NPC Reactions
Reactions affect the base disposition of NPCs towards you depending on your relative races. Argonians have only one modifier.
- Argonians +5