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Morrowind Mod:Tamriel Rebuilt/Tralamon

< People
Tralamon (TR_m1_Tralamon)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt, Map 1
Location Firewatch, Hill Bastion
Race Redguard Gender Male
Level 25 Class Guard
Other Information
Health 244 Magicka 112
Faction(s) Mainland Imperial Legion 2(2)

Tralamon is a Redguard guard stationed in the Hill Bastion outside Firewatch. He isn't a fan of his duty and is tired of waiting around, believing that "Redguards were born for real fighting, not all this messing about with drills and patrols."

Part of his torpor comes from the fact that he isn't even very fond of the Empire. The only reason he is in the Legion is to earn money to send back to his family, as "Tall Papa has not blessed our harvests of late."